Monday, December 26, 2005

December 26, 2005

Quest for the Masks: Ko-Wahi: Nice to find caches on foot for a change. #1 on our tour. My daughter was quite embarrassed when one of her friends walked by: 'Dad, what will I say to explain why we're in the bushes?' My reply: 'Just crouch down, she won't see you!' She didn't. Thanks.

Quest for the Masks: Ga-Wahi: #2 on our quest. Along the way we enjoyed taking a close look at the new lagoon water suppy access gates, and the wading birds poking around at a low, low tide. TFTC.

Quest for the Masks: Ta-Wahi: #3 on our trek. I left the kids at the playground while making the find. Oh, they did come over for a peek in the container after I found it. Thanks.

Quest for the Masks: Onu-Wahi: #4 on our trek. We followed the fence line. High and dry for the most part. Hopefully we didn't disturb anyone. TFTC.

December 23, 2005

Shorebird Sudoku: 2TF @ 9:30a. Thanks for the fun puzzle in a beautiful park!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

December 22, 2005

Vladimir has been kidnapped!: FTF!!! 12:30pm; That's a puzzle I can understand. Very nicely done! Thanks.

Embarcadero Bug Depot: Fun little trek, nicely hidden. The rain was washing off the trees in tea colored drops, which caused some commotion among the little guys, since they assumed it was something else. We swapped TBs. Thanks.

Needless Mark-up: Quite busy, but we managed. In any case, everybody seemed pretty intent on their own objectives. TFTC.

Cornelis Bol Park Booty: Deserted on a rainy afternoon; That's a bold hide! The boys enjoyed climbing the nearby tree. Thanks.

Tear Down This Wall!: This cache has got to be one of my most interesting urban finds. Too cool. I'd love to know how they ended up here. Thanks!

Diversity: We snagged this cache in the rain. Lotsa puddle stomping along the way for the little guys. Thanks!

December 21, 2005

Open 24 hours: I had a lot of help too! Great twist on an old standby. TFTC.

December 20, 2005

Spirit Trap: 3TF. 8:30am Thanks for recycling the spot. Archived GCH9V6 did have a bit bolder hide though. A double deja vue (is that possible?) since I was third on the old one just over 2 years ago. IIRC, Kablooey was FTF and bthomas was second. Somethings don't change...much. TFTC.

Monday, December 19, 2005

December 19, 2005

The Five Senses: HEARING: FTF! 8:30am It took a bit of searching on a completely still morning, but I finally found the well concealed cache. I'm sorry to admit it, but shaking branches and bumping into things did me no good as the find was made entirely with visual clues. I did experience the 'Freeway Trees' however. That's very interesting actually. Thanks for a fun hunt! I took the TB, but left the gift card.

December 14, 2005

Brume: Thanks for the lunch time diversion. Gorse control looks like back-breaking work! It was a bit hazy today, but the views are always worth a million bucks in this park. TNLNSL.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

December 12, 2005

Pulgas Parking: The GPSr was coughing and sputtering, but the hint clarified things for my mental directional arrow. TFTC.

Off The Leash - A Kid's Cache: So that's what those signs are for! T: wipe, since I poked around in a different spot with grey leafless branches that were probably PO. L: a christmas geocoin. Thanks (unless I get a rash)!

Woodside Hills Cache: 2TF Whew! Tough access. I got within 0.15 mi from the north, but I figure the neighbors wouldn't have appreciated me walking through their yard. So, after taking a very long detour around to the south, and getting lost several times in a maze of long, winding dead end streets, I knew I was close when I saw the distinctive fence mentioned in the FTF log. Finally! Nice view, and nice little walk. TNLNSL. Thanks!

For the Love of the Game: 6:00pm Co-FTF with UncleTom. I knew this one would go fast, and sure enough, somebody was tailing me as I pulled into the parking lot. We double-timed it over to the cache site, and then fumbled around for a few minutes. Ahhh, there it is. Thanks!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

December 10, 2005

Baylands, Then and Now: I dropped my daughter off at choir practice and then realized my GPSr was still at home . Fortunately I remembered enough from reading the cache page to make a find. The attachment device is indeed separated from the cache, which I found on the ground. However, by placing the attachment device inside the container, I was able to return it to the intended spot.

Ravenswood Trail: Inspired by MotorBug and Digitalfish, I found this cache without a GPSr. (Actually I just forgot it at home.) I felt fortunate to find a 'wild' geocoin, which will bring christmas cheer to another cache quite soon. Thanks!

Bay Crossing: With a little time to kill this morning, I thought I'd make a second attempt on this cache. Bingo. TNLN.

December 9, 2005

"Da Plane, DaPlane": Wow! Lotsa traffic for the first day! I've driven by many times by never stopped until now. Funny how a cache will do that! Thanks.

Lizard Chick's Espresso Society Cache: Pleasant morning hunt with Uncle Tom. Waypoints 1 & 2 went lickity split, but we circled the block before finding #3. With the final coordinates in hand, we decided to walk to the cache instead of returning to our cars. That turned out to be a good decision, and also gave us time for a nice chat. It took a bit of work to find the final, but that's only because we couldn't see what was right in front of our eyes. TNLNSL. Thanks for the tour of downtown San Mateo!

December 2, 2005

Nar of Nat: Thanks for placing a new cache at this spot! If I remember correctly, prior to renovation there was one velcro'd underneath a plaque by the statue, and hidden by overgrown bushes. My final coordinates were off a bit, but got me close enough that the hide was clear. Sorry I didn't have a little zip-lock with me, or else I would have taken care of the moisture problem for you. As it stands, the log is starting to dry out, and you should be able to continue to use it. TFTC!

Above and Below: That strange wording (at least to me!) in the first sentence really threw me off. 'It's got to be a hint', I thought, and spent a long time trying to connect it to the puzzle. At last, inspiration came, and the coords were in hand about 30 seconds later. Thanks!