Saturday, April 14, 2012

April 7, 2012

Alien Explore III "Got Four Wheel Drive" by ProTechCC
Size: (small) Difficulty: Terrain:
Quite a bit of wandering about in the manzanita before we made a find, but in the end we were successful. TFTC! mjp303

Sediment Control by Hollister Hills SVRA
Size: (regular) Difficulty: Terrain:
Tough to figure what was going on at the cache location, but evidently it's important. The creek seems like it's a ways away. The spot where the cache was hidden cracked me up! What great fun to be a part of the first Hollister Hills geocaching event! Thanks so much for all the hard work putting it together. TFTC. mjp303

Erosion Control by Hollister Hills SVRA
Size: (small) Difficulty: Terrain:
A bit of adventure on the way to this cache. Kablooey got stuck on one of the obstacles and I had to get out the tow strap and jerk him free. Fun! What great fun to be a part of the first Hollister Hills geocaching event! Thanks so much for all the hard work putting it together. The Hudner Ranch property was really nice and we enjoyed experiencing the new trails. TFTC.

Don't Lose Traction by Hollister Hills SVRA
Size: (small) Difficulty: Terrain:
We definitely took the difficult route to this cache, walking from down below San Andreas. What great fun to be a part of the first Hollister Hills geocaching event! Thanks so much for all the hard work putting it together. TFTC. mjp303

Buddy System by Hollister Hills SVRA
Size: (regular) Difficulty: Terrain:
The first cache after lunch (Thanks for that!) I wanted to try the teeter-totter, but that clock is ticking. What great fun to be a part of the first Hollister Hills geocaching event! Thanks so much for all the hard work putting it together. TFTC! mjp303

Safety First by Hollister Hills SVRA
Size: (small) Difficulty: Terrain:
We were safe until after getting this cache. After that, going up the hill got crazy: steep, rutted, loose dirt. After about 100 yards, I couldn't go any further and had to back down. Eeek! What great fun to be a part of the first Hollister Hills geocaching event! Thanks so much for all the hard work putting it together. TFTC. mjp303

Big White Rock by ProTechCC
Size: (small) Difficulty: Terrain:
More of a smallish size rock if you ask me. TFTC! mjp303

Vehicle Skills by Hollister Hills SVRA
Size: (regular) Difficulty: Terrain:
Whew! Steep! It took a long time to find this cache, we were searching on the wrong side of the road. After expanding the search area, Fizzy found it. What great fun to be a part of the first Hollister Hills geocaching event! Thanks so much for all the hard work putting it together. TFTC. mjp303

Keep it Together by Hollister Hills SVRA
Size: (micro) Difficulty: Terrain:
Great camouflage! The first of several tricky hides. What great fun to be a part of the first Hollister Hills geocaching event! Thanks so much for all the hard work putting it together. The Hudner Ranch property was really nice and we enjoyed experiencing the new trails. TFTC. mjp303

Hollister Hills Mining by Hollister Hills SVRA
Size: (small) Difficulty: Terrain:
It took a while to get into the correct position to spot the cache. After that, things were straightforward. Just human rock climbing, no vehicles! What great fun to be a part of the first Hollister Hills geocaching event! Thanks so much for all the hard work putting it together. TFTC. mjp303

Granite by Hollister Hills SVRA
Size: (small) Difficulty: Terrain:
Up we go! Great views from near the cache, and the air was really clear. What great fun to be a part of the first Hollister Hills geocaching event! Thanks so much for all the hard work putting it together. TFTC. mjp303

Buffer Area by Hollister Hills SVRA
Size: (small) Difficulty: Terrain:
We visited GZ at the incorrect coordinates before realizing that there was a mistake in the latitude. Even crossed a fence...duh! Tough find even after we got to the correct spot. What great fun to be a part of the first Hollister Hills geocaching event! Thanks so much for all the hard work putting it together. The Hudner Ranch property was really nice and we enjoyed experiencing the new trails. TFTC.

Landslide!!! by Hollister Hills SVRA
Size: (regular) Difficulty: Terrain:
After finding the cache, we watched an XJ manuover up that ditch. Nice articulation! What great fun to be a part of the first Hollister Hills geocaching event! Thanks so much for all the hard work putting it together. TFTC. mjp303

Black Sage by Hollister Hills SVRA
Size: (regular) Difficulty: Terrain:
At this cache, we joined forces with Fizzy and Green Acres. Good thing since it was tucked away quite well! What great fun to be a part of the first Hollister Hills geocaching event! Thanks so much for all the hard work putting it together. The Hudner Ranch property was really nice and we enjoyed experiencing the new trails. TFTC.

What's Growing? by Hollister Hills SVRA
Size: (small) Difficulty: Terrain:
Long drive from the previous cache with several wrong turns. Eventually we made it though! What great fun to be a part of the first Hollister Hills geocaching event! Thanks so much for all the hard work putting it together. The Hudner Ranch property was really nice and we enjoyed experiencing the new trails. TFTC.

Stay on Trail by Hollister Hills SVRA
Size: (regular) Difficulty: Terrain:
The last cache on the Hudner side. We took the admonition to stay on trail a bit too seriously, ending up making a loop all the way around the cache until we found the correct access. It was scenic though! What great fun to be a part of the first Hollister Hills geocaching event! Thanks so much for all the hard work putting it together. The Hudner Ranch property was really nice and we enjoyed experiencing the new trails. TFTC.

Hollister Rocks! by Randomdevon and KF6ALC
Size: (micro) Difficulty: Terrain:
Cool spot with great views! We found the contour around with eventual ridgeline approach. TFTC. mjp303

Wild Pigs by Hollister Hills SVRA
Size: (regular) Difficulty: Terrain:
What great fun to be a part of the first Hollister Hills geocaching event! Thanks so much for all the hard work putting it together. The Hudner Ranch property was really nice and we enjoyed experiencing the new trails. I had to stick around a little longer and return the cache to its perch. Some of the other cachers were too short! TFTC. mjp303

California Tiger Salamander by Hollister Hills SVRA
Size: (small) Difficulty: Terrain:
Another post event cache. I've never been in this part of Hollister Hills, so things were new to me. What great fun to be a part of the first Hollister Hills geocaching event! Thanks so much for all the hard work putting it together. TFTC. mjp303

Become a Surveyor by Hollister Hills SVRA
Size: (small) Difficulty: Terrain:
Finally! We caught a glimpse of other cachers at this spot. What great fun to be a part of the first Hollister Hills geocaching event! Thanks so much for all the hard work putting it together. TFTC. mjp303

Bird Creek by Hollister Hills SVRA
Size: (regular) Difficulty: Terrain:
What great fun to be a part of the first Hollister Hills geocaching event! Thanks so much for all the hard work putting it together. The Hudner Ranch property was really nice and we enjoyed experiencing the new trails. This cache was the first of twelve in the new area and we found it as a group. TFTC. mjp303

Hector Heights by Hollister Hills SVRA
Size: (micro) Difficulty: Terrain:
The pinnacle of our day! It seemed like I could see forever up there. Tricky hide made for a fun search! What great fun to be a part of the first Hollister Hills geocaching event! Thanks so much for all the hard work putting it together. TFTC. mjp303

Truck Hill by bthomas
Size: (small) Difficulty: Terrain:
Found it on foot with GA and FM. It sorta seemed like cheating, so when I win the lottery I'll come back and do the approach with style. TFTC! mjp303

GBA XV: Five Fingers of the GBA by DragonsWest & GBA XV
Size: (regular) Difficulty: Terrain:
Continuing my Hollister Hills tour as the shadows start to lengthen. A beautiful day to spend wheeling. Thanks for placing a cache in this part of the park. TFTC. mjp303

Blue Oak by Hollister Hills SVRA
Size: (regular) Difficulty: Terrain:
What great fun to be a part of the first Hollister Hills geocaching event! Thanks so much for all the hard work putting it together. The Hudner Ranch property was really nice and we enjoyed experiencing the new trails. We really enjoyed collecting the trading cards and learning about the area! TFTC. mjp303

Live Oak by Hollister Hills SVRA
Size: (regular) Difficulty: Terrain:
The last cache before returning to HQ for the event scoring and raffle. We were really moving at this point! Fun to regroup with everyone else and even win some prizes. What great fun to be a part of the first Hollister Hills geocaching event! Thanks so much for all the hard work putting it together. TFTC. mjp303

Ten Times by Hollister Hills SVRA
Size: (small) Difficulty: Terrain:
This was our first cache after the conclusion of the event. Black diamond? Bring it on baby! What great fun to be a part of the first Hollister Hills geocaching event! Thanks so much for all the hard work putting it together. TFTC. mjp303

Pin Strip Trail by ProTechCC
Size: (regular) Difficulty: Terrain:
It seemed like I'd been in this spot before. Is this a replacement cache? We overlooked the cache in the most geo-logical spot for several minutes while tromping through the poison oak. Anyhow, thanks for the breather on the way to Hector Heights. TFTC! mjp303

Bobcat by Hollister Hills SVRA
Size: (small) Difficulty: Terrain:
The views were superb from this location. Incredible! What great fun to be a part of the first Hollister Hills geocaching event! Thanks so much for all the hard work putting it together. The Hudner Ranch property was really nice and we enjoyed experiencing the new trails. TFTC.

Red-Tailed Hawk by Hollister Hills SVRA
Size: (small) Difficulty: Terrain:
The hills are so beautiful and green! We didn't see any hawks, but I'll bet they love to perch at the top of the tree near this cache. What great fun to be a part of the first Hollister Hills geocaching event! Thanks so much for all the hard work putting it together. The Hudner Ranch property was really nice and we enjoyed experiencing the new trails. TFTC.

Spanish Moss by Hollister Hills SVRA
Size: (small) Difficulty: Terrain:
The pack was splitting up at this point. Kablooey and I took the narrow shelf road to this cache with no one else following. Shocked to learn how long Spanish Moss can live. Incredible! What great fun to be a part of the first Hollister Hills geocaching event! Thanks so much for all the hard work putting it together. The Hudner Ranch property was really nice and we enjoyed experiencing the new trails. TFTC. mjp303

San Andreas Fault by Hollister Hills SVRA
Size: (small) Difficulty: Terrain:
Cool view from this cache! I could really see the fault. What great fun to be a part of the first Hollister Hills geocaching event! Thanks so much for all the hard work putting it together. TFTC. mjp303