Thursday, March 30, 2006

March 11, 2006

Smiley: Interrupted Shadow101. Didn't there used to be a multi around here? Hmmm...must be gone now. TFTC.

Just Horsing Around: Yup, my suspicions on this cache were confirmed. If you want to restore geocaching karma, immediately place three plentifully stocked ammo can caches at the end of short hikes with beautiful views. TFTC.

Noon Ride: Not as deserted as you might imagine! A couple of cable service trucks were parked at the cache, with both guys catching 40 winks. I suppose they've had a busy time of it lately. Not to worry, cache security is intact.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

March 4, 2006

Palo Alto Baylands - Top of the Hill: I returned to the cache with the owner and signed the log before the cache was replaced. I love the carpet of new, green grass covering the hills. Thanks for inviting me along for a pleasant walk, geekster!

Vanishing Breed: Geekster and I looked around for a drive-in movie theater or a store selling 8-tracks, figuring that one would likely be close to this relic.

Tie-Dyed Coins: Nicely done. I was on the phone for a life-line when geekster noticed the duplication. TFTC.

Something to Read?: Great camouflage! Fortunately, I'd seen it before, making the find a bit easier. TFTC.

ROUND ABOUT: After getting nearby 'Hey Bubb', we were too close to ignore this one. Thanks for the smilie!

Hey Bubb!: A nicely crafted multi! Fortunately the park was pretty much deserted, and we could poke around in the bushes to our hearts content. The final container was looking pretty forlorn and empty, though. It needs some swag, but since the goodie bag was forgotten at home, we weren't able to help out with that. TFTC.

Home Brew: Geekster and I got a chuckle out of this one. Thanks!

Historical Stanford: How'd I miss that the last time??? TFTC.

March 3, 2006

A View of Henry Ford's Behind: After circling from Mr. Ford's front, I discovered bthomas scouring a patch of park in the rear. We searched in seclusion for several minutes. Our search was chanllenging since previous finders had *helped* the hide, and recent rains had smoothed things out quite naturally. TFTC.

Douglas's Elbow: I made the short hike to this cache at dusk after an all-day off-site work meeting at a conference center nearby. There were patches of snow on the sides of the trail. My GPSr was doing summersaults due to the tree cover and the power lines, but got me close enough to spot the fantastic giant looming eeirily in the fading light. Thanks for introducting me the upper end of Wunderlich Park.

March 1, 2006

The Five Senses: TOUCH: Fun! I resisted the temptation to pull out one of my caching tools and solved the puzzle as intended. At the final location I was interrupted by a group a seniors out for a walk. I can only imagine what they thought *I* was doing! PO is encroaching! Hopefully it will stay away. TFTC.

February 27, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day: I found it in the rain this morning. No cops and no tennis players, but a lone park worker in the distance. TFTC.