Thursday, December 22, 2005

December 22, 2005

Vladimir has been kidnapped!: FTF!!! 12:30pm; That's a puzzle I can understand. Very nicely done! Thanks.

Embarcadero Bug Depot: Fun little trek, nicely hidden. The rain was washing off the trees in tea colored drops, which caused some commotion among the little guys, since they assumed it was something else. We swapped TBs. Thanks.

Needless Mark-up: Quite busy, but we managed. In any case, everybody seemed pretty intent on their own objectives. TFTC.

Cornelis Bol Park Booty: Deserted on a rainy afternoon; That's a bold hide! The boys enjoyed climbing the nearby tree. Thanks.

Tear Down This Wall!: This cache has got to be one of my most interesting urban finds. Too cool. I'd love to know how they ended up here. Thanks!

Diversity: We snagged this cache in the rain. Lotsa puddle stomping along the way for the little guys. Thanks!

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