Sunday, July 27, 2008

July 25, 2008

Milk, Butter, Geocache...

By: MythCacher and brother Difficulty: 3.0 Terrain: 2.0 Container: Regular

A quick find after work. There were lots of people passing by, but everyone was intent on their own journey. TFTC.

The Cash Cache

By: MythCacher Difficulty: 3.0 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

A quick find after work. Suprisingly, the workers were still busy even at this hour on a Friday. My hands smelled like spices when I had finished! TFTC.

July 22, 2008

McBee Statue

By: Five Cache-Ka-teers Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Virtual

I'm in the area on business from California. The restoration of this downtown area is very nicely done! Hopefully I'll have the chance to return another (...less humid...) day and hunt some more caches! Whew.

Poinsett Statue

By: Five Cache-Ka-teers Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Virtual

I'm in the area on business from California. Lo and behold, 3 virtuals within 150' of the door of my hotel...and I thought there wouldn't be any time for caching on this trip. [;)] Thanks for teaching me a little bit of the local history!

Don't Quote Me On That...

By: Five Cache-ka-teers Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Virtual

I'm in the area on business from California. I like this type of public 'art'. After reading some of the more serious quotations, I was really wondering what a 7 year-old would be able to contribute. Perfect! I laughed out loud, and thought of my own kids back home. TFTVC!

July 20, 2008

Hwy 9 Pull-out

By: MotorBug Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

John, Ted, and I found this cache on the way to Cub-Parent weekend at Camp Cutter. According to the GSAK filter, it's in San Mateo county. Since I have this secret obsession to one day find all the caches in San Mateo county, it drew my attention, and we stopped. Thanks for a brief rest break during a long and winding trek!

July 16, 2008

Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly

By: UncleTom Difficulty: 3.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

I did the googling, but didn't have the patience for the decryption. mrs303 took on the task, and emailed me the pertinent info. Do I get bonus points if I spotted the cache container with street view? In any case, it's another most excellent geocaching tool. Now I'm curious about the back story. I don't recall ever reading it. TFTPC!

July 15, 2008

SMC College for Kids Adventure

By: Mayela Mingi Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 2.0 Container: Regular

I decided to take this cache on because of the sheer enormity of it. TEN stages. I do believe it's a personal multicache record! Thanks for showing me the CSM campus. There are lots of good things going on there. That new science building and planetarium are really nice! TFTMC.

July 12, 2008

Tafoni of the Sandstone Caves

By: Erickson Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 2.5 Container: Not chosen

We visited the Tafoni formation in El Corte de Madera Creek OSP today with a group of about 15 cub scouts and their parents from Pack 61 in Redwood Shores. The weather was perfect and I think everyone enjoyed the hike. Thanks for teaching us about this unusual rock formation!

July 11, 2008

Hillary Foyer: The Aggravating Micro Game

By: UncleTom Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

I found the cache, but didn't win the game since I got confused remembering which letters were which...I suppose I could have gone back to look, but I didn't. [:I] Thanks for a fun puzzle. Find # 3000!

July 10, 2008

Moving Monument

By: PurplePeople Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

Thanks for a fun cache and back story! Interestingly, the trail in the northerly direction is closed due to high fire danger. This made the search easier as it was quite deserted at GZ.

July 9, 2008

Skyline College for Kids 2

By: Mayela Mingi Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 2.0 Container: Small

This was a fun puzzle! ...and just my speed. I got a strange look from a muggle passing by. I think he thought I was planning to relieve myself back there! TFTC.

Skyline College for Kids 1

By: Mayela Mingi Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

Great views! I've never been on this campus before, so thanks for placing caches here.

Pipe Dreams

By: TacomaCruiser & Radio Guy Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

...sort of on the way home from work. [;)] I enjoyed the cool breezes coming off of the ocean and the nice view. Great container! TFTC.

July 8, 2008

The Liberty Ship

By: astucky Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Small

I drove up and noticed rjb2001 loitering suspiciously. After giving him the GPSr wave, we joined forces and wandered around together. I was looking 6" too low, but eventually he found it in a well concealed perch. TFTC and the history lesson. Nice to meet other cachers in the field!

July 7, 2008


By: finderofthingz Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

I always enjoy hiking in Belmont OSP. Thanks for placing new caches to find!

Yes Deer

By: finderofthingz Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

Wow! I saw a couple of unexpected things during the search for this cache: (1) A guy getting his car pulled out of the ditch along the road to the overlook; (2) the Google earth street view cameras on top of a Prius. I'm going to have to check the pictures out to see if I'm in them! Oh, and I saw 2 deer. TFTC!

Barbie's Wired Too

By: finderofthingz Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 2.0 Container: Small

Thanks for placing new caches in Belmont OSP. But oh no, this one's slightly different than the last, and doesn't have a pen. Unfortunately, I forgot mine in the car. [:I] I considered signing in green, but couldn't find a leaf moist enough to give me some goo, plus didn't want to gunk up the log. I'll come back and finish the job soon. TFTC.

July 6, 2008

Tarantula Junction

By: TimberToo Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 2.5 Container: Small

This was a fun little hike on a warm afternoon. Getting to the posted coordinates was the first challenge, but I knew the area and realized that close as the crow flies doesn't mean it's as close as you'd think! I followed the clues easily, even though I didn't really know what a 'Tarantula meadow' would look like. Make sure you pass through the area between the posted coordinates and the wooden bridge carefully as there is a large bee hive in a hollow branch rig ht above the trail. Choosing the Loma Avenue entrance meant that I quite a haul back up the hill at the end. Pick your poison though, if you start at the Brittan entrance, you'll get your share of climbing both at the start and at the end. Thanks for a fun letterbox hybrid!

I Don't Seafood

By: Quypakid Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

I like Pete's harbor; it's so...out of character for this area. The breeze was nice and helped me cool off after a hot hike up in Eaton Park. Several other visitors today, but I'm the first to log. Thanks for placing another cache here.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

July 5, 2008

CM06 Parking

By: CKayaks Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

This was our first time down Bear Gulch Road and into the southern part of El Corte de Madera OSP. Very nice, and quite secluded. Even though Skeggs Point was over-run with mountain bikers, only a couple of groups whizzed past during our hike. Thanks for pointing out the trail!

Grand Old Stump

By: CKayaks Difficulty: 3.0 Terrain: 3.0 Container: Small

Down, down, down...does this trail do anything else? This cache was a quick stop on that escalator, but we're starting to get worried about the return trip...up, up, up. TFTC.

Lawrence Creek Trail FunGi

By: CKayaks Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 2.5 Container: Regular

After reading the logs, we were worried about finding this cache. Lock on the GPSr was intermittent during the hike down, which contributed to our malaise. Fortunately, we were able to locate the cache quickly. During the hunt, I knocked my GPSr off its clip without realizing what had happened. Fortunately mrs303 heard it beep as it lost lock laying on the ground, and we found it quickly. Whew! TFTC.

Top of Wunderlich

By: digitalfish Difficulty: 3.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Regular

Coming back from a hike in El Corte de Madera, we decided to take a stab at this cache. The GPSr was birdless, but with enough wandering around I eventually stumbled on the tricky little hide. Thanks for the fun.

Stump Tree

By: CKayaks Difficulty: 3.0 Terrain: 3.0 Container: Small

We spent a long time looking for this cache, and saw several examples of new growth springing from an old stump, which was actually quite interesting to look at. The GPSr just would not cooperate and bounced around so much that the search area was really big. I think effort expended to find it caused us to realize that it was time to turn around, even though there were other caches within fairly close distance. We'll be back! Thanks.

July 4, 2008

Wooden Waterfall

By: lil checkers Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 2.5 Container: Small

We're out for another family hike this holiday weekend along the Lost trail. This one took a while. Like others have mentioned, the coordinates put me in the wrong spot. Thanks for a fun cache along a very nice trail.

Lost Trail Rock Face

By: GoGoJo Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 3.5 Container: Small

We're out for another family hike this holiday weekend along the Lost trail. I found this one quickly and moved on since some of the kids had gotten far enough ahead that we couldn't see them any more. Thanks!

Lost Trail Log Walk

By: GoGoJo Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 3.5 Container: Regular

We're out for another family hike this holiday weekend along the Lost trail. It's quiet and secluded along this stretch of the trail. Wonderful! TFTC.

Secret Trailhead #758

By: GoGoJo Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 3.5 Container: Regular

We're out for another family hike this holiday weekend along the Lost trail. Beautiful weather and plenty of shade along this first part of the trail made it a very enjoyable walk. Pretty level, too! Thanks for placing a cache to mark the starting point.

Yet Another Switchback

By: GoGoJo Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 3.5 Container: Regular

We're out for another family hike this holiday weekend along the Lost trail. The widget said we were close, so I ventured down the Razorback Ridge trail to get it. 50 feet turned into 500 as I contoured my way there, yet the gang was easily within earshot somewhere up above as I made the find and signed the log. TFTC.

50% Percent Camo

By: OneAngryPuppy Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 2.5 Container: Regular

We're out for another family hike this holiday weekend along the Lost trail. Suddenly, things got quite busy along the trail. There must have been 5 or 6 groups that passed by while we found this cache and spent some time eating a snack. The clear views in the Bay Area gave way to a dark brown smokey haze to the far south from all of the fires. TFTC.

Hey, Over Here!

By: Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 3.0 Container: Micro

We're out for another family hike this holiday weekend along the Lost trail. Finally we passed another hiker along the trail, and it was quite close to this cache. We must have looked rather indecisive as we stood there pondering where the cache might be located and waiting for him to move on because he felt compelled to give us help finding our way: 'Just follow this trail', he said, 'you can't get lost.' Heh! TFTC.

Hasenpfeffer on the Old Road

By: Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 2.0 Container: Small

We're out for another family hike this holiday weekend along the Lost trail. I don't think this cache is along an old road grade; I think it's a fire break. Don't ask me why they dragged a fire break so close to the road though. It makes no sense to me. Any how, no rabbits to be seen today. TFTC!

Ultimate Valley View

By: GoGoJo Difficulty: 3.0 Terrain: 4.0 Container: Small

We're out for another family hike this holiday weekend along the Lost trail. At this point, however, the group split up. I took one son to find this cache, while the rest went back to Alice's to hold a table. The view was very clear today, but way off to the south we could see the smokey haze from the Big Sur fires. Thanks for a great day of caching in Windy Hill OSP!

July 3, 2008

"Kite Boarding"

By: Metal Tek Difficulty: 2.5 Terrain: 2.5 Container: Regular

The 3rd of three Metal Tek caches today. Wow, was this a busy spot! There must have been 50 parasails out on the water, and many others (like me!) gawking from the shoreline, or enjoying the start of a holiday weekend with friends. I spent a good 30 minutes watching people launching themselves from the shore, and taking off like a rocket across the waves. Definitely a lot of skill and experience is required to control the sail, and my admiration for those who had it mastered increased a lot. Thanks for showing me a fascinating spot!

Belmont Slough/ Wildlife Refuge

By: Metal Tek Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 2.5 Container: Micro

Thanks for pointing out this neglected sign! On a Friday afternoon with gorgeous weather, the path was quite busy and I had to dodge several bicycle riders. Fortunately everyone seemed intent on doing their own thing. TFTC.

Shade tree

By: Metal Tek Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

This was a quick find after I realized that I had transposed a couple of digits in the coordinates while entering them in the GPSr. My initial search area matched with the hint...sort of, so I spent some time searching fruitlessly in the wrong spot. Since the views along the way were great and the weather was perfect, I really didn't mind. TFTC.

Where do you get those small zip-lock bags?

By: UncleTom Difficulty: 3.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Small

Uncle Tom's puzzle themes cover a broad spectrum, and occasionally there's one that I know something about. Well, that's how this one appeared on the surface. But, after trying various ideas relating to the chemical structure and composition of the plastics, I was no closer to solving it than when I started. At this point, however, I was too invested to let it go! A flash of inspiration (plus a decision to actually listen to what the cache page was telling me!) led me to realize that I was over-thinking big time. There was one little bump on the way to the solution (which apparently led to Tom's rant), but things came together pretty quickly, and I had the cache in hand this morning. Thanks for a fun puzzle!

July 1, 2008

The Cuckoo's Nest

By: crawburr Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

This was a really fun cache. I enjoyed the back story and checking out this unusual street. It appears to me that #11 is completely gone now. There is now a vacant dirt lot that is covered with trenches (perhaps for sprinkler pipe?). I suppose gentrification will continue; this area is just too prime to avoid it. Thanks for a neat cache!

Office Locations

By: virtualdavid Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Small

I found myself close to this cache on an errand this evening. It was a quick find, and there weren't too many people to dodge since most of the offices appeared to be closed for the day. Office location has never been too much of a consideration for me since I spend most of my time either in the lab or in meetings. That variety keeps things from getting stale I suppose. I would like to work in a place where I didn't have to drive to lunch though. I'll bet the businesses around the cache have a great variety of places to pick from. TFTC!

June 30, 2008

Wood Star

By: the voucher Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

I tried the wrong approach first since my widget had zero in a more trollish spot. That wasn't it, so I spent a good while looking above my head. No success there either. Finally I stepped back and tried to remember what it said on the cache page...ahhh, that's the ticket! Thanks!