Wednesday, March 29, 2006

March 4, 2006

Palo Alto Baylands - Top of the Hill: I returned to the cache with the owner and signed the log before the cache was replaced. I love the carpet of new, green grass covering the hills. Thanks for inviting me along for a pleasant walk, geekster!

Vanishing Breed: Geekster and I looked around for a drive-in movie theater or a store selling 8-tracks, figuring that one would likely be close to this relic.

Tie-Dyed Coins: Nicely done. I was on the phone for a life-line when geekster noticed the duplication. TFTC.

Something to Read?: Great camouflage! Fortunately, I'd seen it before, making the find a bit easier. TFTC.

ROUND ABOUT: After getting nearby 'Hey Bubb', we were too close to ignore this one. Thanks for the smilie!

Hey Bubb!: A nicely crafted multi! Fortunately the park was pretty much deserted, and we could poke around in the bushes to our hearts content. The final container was looking pretty forlorn and empty, though. It needs some swag, but since the goodie bag was forgotten at home, we weren't able to help out with that. TFTC.

Home Brew: Geekster and I got a chuckle out of this one. Thanks!

Historical Stanford: How'd I miss that the last time??? TFTC.

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