Wednesday, March 29, 2006

March 3, 2006

A View of Henry Ford's Behind: After circling from Mr. Ford's front, I discovered bthomas scouring a patch of park in the rear. We searched in seclusion for several minutes. Our search was chanllenging since previous finders had *helped* the hide, and recent rains had smoothed things out quite naturally. TFTC.

Douglas's Elbow: I made the short hike to this cache at dusk after an all-day off-site work meeting at a conference center nearby. There were patches of snow on the sides of the trail. My GPSr was doing summersaults due to the tree cover and the power lines, but got me close enough to spot the fantastic giant looming eeirily in the fading light. Thanks for introducting me the upper end of Wunderlich Park.

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