Saturday, February 27, 2010

February 20, 2010

Juan Bautista Loves a Songbird

By: GoGoJo Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 2.5 Container: Small

We were searching for this cache for a few moments before Ted made the find. He had a better angle than the taller folks! I love these old oak trees.

Mimicking kablooey's Garden

By: GoGoJo Difficulty: 2.5 Terrain: 2.0 Container: Regular

Dead trees seem to be a common place to hide caches in this preserve! This was the first of several such spots we visited today. The views and neon green grass were pretty nice too. Thanks.

Sentinel on Meadowlark Trail

By: GoGoJo Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 2.0 Container: Regular

A quick stop on our way back down to the trailhead. I really enjoyed the time we spent in this park today. Thanks for bring us out!

Dragonfly Dike

By: L-grl Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

That's a pretty pond! It was a little too cool for insects, but we did see plenty of wildflowers during our hike today. TFTC.

Singing So Happily

By: GoGoJo Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 2.5 Container: Small

Ahhh, Supertramp, that's a good oldie! Fleetwood Mac is another of my favorites from that era. TFTC.

L-grl's Horde Reloaded

By: Capt Tong & the Jungle Mock Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

The first stop on our hike up the hill. There were plenty of people out on the trails today, and most of them seemed to be accompanied by a dog. Great preserve for a hike! TFTC.

A Horse and a Hill

By: L-grl Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

To my son Ted this one looked like an excellent climbing opportunity, and he scampered up for an even better view. TFTC.

Jackson Memorial

By: SouthBayCrew Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 2.0 Container: Regular

There were no four-legged members in our group, but based upon what we saw on the way up the trail, it's a safe bet that lots of people enjoy hiking with their dogs! Thanks for leaving some cacher's kibble!

Walktober To This One

By: ChipnDonna Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 2.5 Container: Small

There were plenty of mountain bikers on this far side of the preserve. We noticed that somebody's secret trailhead entrance is nearby. The maps on my widget showed a road nearby, but evidently on this private property. Thanks for getting us to the top!

Pony Express

By: L-grl (with GeoWomyn_SF_CA) Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

I like what they've done with the interpretive center and facilities for this well used park. We felt lucky to find a parking spot on a busy Saturday. Thanks for providing a convenient meeting waypoint for our hike today.

Movie: The Good, the Bad, and the Geocache

By: GeoWomyn_SF_CA Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Regular

We watched, we hiked, we found a cache! Thanks for sharing your cinematic talents!

Wounded Sentinel

By: ChipnDonna Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 2.0 Container: Small

Weakened, but still an impressive sight! Ted was quite curious about the girdling process and got into the PO as he rushed in to check things out. He got a technu bath and is still rash free. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! TFTC.

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