Monday, September 05, 2005

September 5, 2005

Beginner's Luck: I brought the whole family along on this one. The boys fought over a little squirt gun, and the girls argued about a piece of blue glass. Ahhh, family life: you gotta love it, otherwise it'll drive you crazy. I'm sure we made peace eventually, but I be darned if I can remember what we left in trade. TFTC. Oh, I lived in Escondido Village about 35 years ago. Looks exactly the same.

Go Fish: Like Mrs. NavySparks says, we were pretty befuddled at the first stage till MrNS sheepishly coughed it up. After that, they tagged along to see how we would tackle the final cache. There were a few nervous moments while we attempted to retreive it, since they had left a sorta heavy TB in there. Fortunately, it was just a matter of getting the right angle, and all was well. Lotsa fun. The kids found a few trees to climb while the adults chatted. TFTC.

Electric Lizard: We (the adults) tried to convince the kids to stay in the car while we made the search. No go! Those long pouty faces were too much to take. Eventually one of them made the find: Claire (12) was positively walking on air when I told her that she found a cache that Marky DNF'd earlier in the day. Thanks!

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