Friday, June 17, 2005

June 15, 2005

Beacon, Light My Way: 9:30p 2TF. I walked the 246 feet from my front door to this cache and still wasn't first, meeting Eagle81 and ShoresScouts who had just found it, on the way. (It was very nice to meet you and congratulations on the FTF!) As far as the cache itself and the supposedly 'incorrect' coordinates, what can I say? Not much, except that puzzle caches are the accepted venue for this sort of trickery. Deliberately giving incorrect coordinates in a traditional cache is considered bad form. It actually would have been a pretty cool puzzle: Call it Mirror Image, tell people the cache isn't located at the posted coords, but that they need to visit them to get clues to the actual location...or something like that. Oh well, maybe next time.

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