Monday, May 30, 2005

May 30, 2005

Watermelon Hill: A couple of streets over was getting all the attention: 50 tourists snapping pictures, and a cop directing traffic. Naturally, we liked this one better. Thanks for the alternative.

Sounds of the Bay: We have wanted to find this cache for a long time. Memorial day seemed like the ideal opportunity to make the trip. The weather was perfect and the kids enjoyed playing on the beach adjacent to the cache so much that they forgot there was a treasure somewhere nearby. At somepoint, I slipped away to make the find, and left a bunch of swag for future finders, silent tribute on my part to the magnificence of this spot. Thanks for the adventure.

Columba: The appropriateness of this cache for a Memorial Day outing in San Francisco was completely lost on us until we arrived on scene. A huge American flag filled the dome from ceiling to ground. We weren't sure if it's always there or specially placed on this weekend to honor those who have served our country. Thanks for providing us with the opportunity to explore a wonderful and unique place and to teach the kids more about love, loss, honor and respect in a very effective way.

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