Sunday, May 08, 2005

May 3, 2005

Grace's 9th Birthday: As I got out of my car at the trailhead, the GPSr indicated I was about a quarter mile from the cache. Given anotherone's log that he walked 1.6 miles, I was understandably confused. So, up the trail I go. Shortly, there's a choice. Hmmmm....I pick the one that seems most direct. Nearer, nearer, farther, farther, nearer, nearer, farther, farther, nearer, nearer, got it! Now I consider my position. Hey, there's my car way down at the bottom. Retracing my steps seems a bit boring, so I set out in the other direction. Lots of winding around, and plenty of interesting things to see. Pretty much the same distance back. All in all, anotherone was right. Thanks for the adventure. Oh, a very nicely stocked cache, but I TNLNSL.

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