Saturday, October 29, 2011

September 29, 2011

Golden State DeLorme Challenge by DiverVan
Size: Difficulty: Terrain:
Lots of caches, lots of adventures, and many miles spent on the road winding my way across, over and around the furthest reaches of this Golden State of ours. What an amazing trip! I'd like to think I've driven on each and every state highway, but I'm pretty sure there are a few I've missed! In truth though, the further I went, the more I realized that I've just scratched the surface of what there is to see. A lifetime of memories: Family trips to Bodie, Cambria, Mendocino, and Catalina. Multi-day loops both north and south with bthomas: a bear in the Trinity Mountains, fresh tracks through newly fallen snow in the mountains above San Diego. Sunsets! San Onofre, Ventura Highway, Mount Shasta from both the east and the west, looking out over Owens Valley, Sierra Buttes after a day of wheeling, General Sherman with the fading light filtering through, camping in the Mojave, Eureka Dunes. I suppose that's why they call it the Golden State! Thanks to DiverVan for providing an enjoyable opportunity to sign the log, share a meal, and remember some of the great experiences. This night has been a long time coming, and a small part of me is sad to see it finally finished. I'm sure there will be more adventures, but probably none as epic as the California DeLorme Challenges. Geocaching truly is about the journey and the unexpected suprises found along the way, and I'm so much the richer for it. mjp303

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