Sunday, May 03, 2009

May 2, 2009

Spare Change

By: kobidge Difficulty: 3.0 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

A fun find in an urban, busy area! I'm glad I came on a Saturday...that made things easier. There seems to be some sort of apology written in a scrap of paper that has been placed in the cache. For the cache owner, perhaps? TFTC!

The Lonely Tree

By: MacGeekPro Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 2.5 Container: Regular

I parked near the lower access, and enjoyed the short stroll up to the cache. Crossing the washed out section of the trail was interesting, and then discovering the storage trailer near the cache was a suprise. I wonder what's in it? Thanks for pointing out another hidden canyon! TFTC.

Eating Up Inside

By: Chancer Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

A lovely spot. TFTC!

HT0489 on 1929

By: The Geoides Family Difficulty: 3.0 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

[8D]FTF![8D] 2:45p As I drove up, I noticed another car pulling in behind me. It turns out Navysparks Mrs had been out caching on this overcast day as well. Really great to see you guys; it's been awhile. There was some FTF smack going back and forth for a minute or two, but we soon had examined all of the tried and true hide locations, and quickly combined forces to make the search. We must have been there about 20 minutes before a tricky little thought dawned on me, et voila! That's a unique hide. Tthanks for the fun!

REDy Set GO!

By: Quypakid (and his 5 Students) Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

Got it...and it only took me 3 light cycles to get the dad-burned thing wound up tight and replaced. TFTC.

Emmett House

By: Bob Elliecat Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

It looks like things are progressing with the renovations. I'm sure it will be very nice when finished. TFTC.

Highways and Byways

By: the voucher Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

I love design and soaring lines of the bridges and roads on this interchange. Thanks for showing me this different perspective. TFTC.

On Approach

By: Sparkotron LeLe Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Regular

I felt fortunate to spot the cache quickly. This type can be tricky! A bit overcast and misty meant that I didn't have to contend with a lot of passersby. TFTC.


By: Alidade Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Small

A Clamper monument in the Bay Area? Sweet! ...and a first for me. Thanks for pointing out interesting history, and providing a cache to boot!

What a drain...

By: Geoides Difficulty: 3.0 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Other

A one of a kind container! Very creative. The log was completely soaked, but I was still able to sign the sheet and replace it. Thanks for a fun hunt!

Pole Inspection

By: Geoides Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

Got it. Thanks for reminding me not to take electricity for granted!

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