Sunday, February 05, 2006

January 28, 2006

A 42 cache marathon with vaccine, geekster, and ghoff3 down in Morgan Hill.

Temple of Doom: Creepy fun! The first find of the day on our cache expedition. Many more to come. Thanks!

Shrub Side: Sorry, this one was found too many caches back. I'm not remembering a single thing. If Vaccine, geekster, and ghoff3 were here, so was I.

Cross Trails: 2nd of many kaesky caches today. Thanks for contributing so much to today's entertainment.

Ivy League: Our searching attracted the attention of a lady walking her dogs. The little yapper was on a leash while the big German Shepard ran free. Ultimately, I think we were more interesting than the dogs as she told us we looked 'official' with 'those things' in our hands. TFTC.

Along the De Anza Trail 1 - Gilroy: Gilroy? Hmmm...I thought this was Morgan Hill. No matter, it's a DeAnza Trail plaque and there's a cache. Thanks.

Basketball Jones: Very nicely done on the camoflauge! TFTC.

Vineyard's Vine: Given the recent history on this cache, there was quite a bit of chest thumping and back slapping on this one. It reminded me of one close to home: Gustine's Sister Cache. Thanks.

Walnut's Gap: Geekster found this one. We're starting to notice a MH trend: Microcaches with logs in HUGE zip-lock baggies. TFTC.

Tie A Yellow Ribbon: Cool idea for a cache! I loved the juxaposition of hidden and visible elements. Thanks for sharing.

Chesbro Dam: From an adventure standpoint, this was probably my favorite of the day. I figured out where the cache was right away, but laughed out loud when I realized what the hint meant. TFTC.

Mirasol Park: Yup, every park deserves a cache. Thanks for doing your duty.

Fox Hollow Park: I think we all checked the hiding place a least once before vaccine saw it (or was it ghoff3?). Very nicely done.

Irish Spring: Our favorite hide of the day. Like vaccine mentioned, we had a great discussion on the age-old geocaching question: 'Which comes first, the cache container or the place to put the cache?' Now that I've re-read the cache page, I think I'll change my mind. Loved the history lesson, BTW. Thanks!

Sierra Court Neighborhood Park: Vaccine's cache radar is good, but not that good. I think he peeked at the hint on this one.

Mystic Mushroom: Hidden? BaWahHaHa! Nothing hidden about the images on that mural. However, the most brazen move on this cache was geekster leaving car running around the corner while we found the cache.

Wright Stop: Nice hide. Pleasantly bigger than I was expecting.

Let The Sun Shine: After finding this cache, I think I mentioned that every once in a great while a blind squirrel finds a nut.

Diana's Rose: Tall as I am, I felt a little uncomfortable that close to the rather short fence. As a result, I hung back and let the others take charge. TFTC.

Sticker Shock: Not too many possibilities on this one. geekster and ghoff3 were snickering about a sticker they found, but all I could think about was lunch. Isn't there some fast food nearby?

It's A Kid Thing: Nice to find such a big cache in this location. Thanks!

Champagne Fountain: A team effort on this one since there were several people nearby. ghoff3 and geekster blocked their view, vaccine made the grab and replacement, and I did the paper work. Rah Team!

San Pedro Ponds Trail: Actually vaccine is only partially right. I told geekster to take a look in a particular spot, and he persisted until the cache was in hand. TFTC.

U Qwack Me Up: Nice little stroll down to the cache. I loved the suprise when we found it. Thanks.

Bonnie & Clyde: Persistance paid off. Good thing the bank was closed. TFTC.

Welcome to Morgan Hill: I hadn't read the cache page before the search started, so when I resorted to the hint, it wasn't too helpful. Somehow, I found myself alone just as I spied something suspicious, and kept it to myself so that they could enjoy finding it too. TFTC.

101 Excursion... Kirby Canyon: Honors, schmonors. They sat in the car while I did all the work. TFTC.

101 Excursion: Nicklaus Signature: I wish I had the tools for this kind of stuff. TFTC.

Secret Entrance: Coyote Creek Golf: A quick grab passing by. TFTC.

Coyote Creek Pool: Nice little hike to the cache. We passed a HUGE turkey vulture along the way scratching around in the brush. Neat. TFTC.

101 Excursion ... View: I was content to enjoy the view, but ghoff3 was all business. I think that guy in the truck was pretty suprised to wake up and find the four of us just accross the road. TFTC.

Bailey's Crossing: Vaccine and I scurried down to the cache while geekster pretended to have engine trouble. We found the decoy and then the cache. HaHa.

Coyote Creek Secret Entrance: I never knew about the pigs, but I do now! I would like to see some in the wild. TFTC.

Coyote Ranching: Nice pun! TFTC.

Coyote Crossing: Who's vdbalamo? Just kidding. TFTC.

Parkhere - Coyote Creek: Grossed out by spider webs, I didn't quite touch the cache even though I was feeling in the right spot. Vaccine made the find.

Pennies From Heaven: I was able to relive one of my favorite childhood activities on this cache. Thanks for the opportunity.

Golden Retreiver: A nice little hike with a great view and an unexpected twist. TFTC!

The Earth Moved Under My Feet: Thank goodness the park was deserted. We were there way too long and abused way too many innocent plants. When I finally had it in my hand, I felt relieved, not triumphant.

Robin Hood's Neighborhood Trailhead: Great camoflauge! That lady up the hill sure was watching us, but she was too far away to see what we were doing. TFTC.

Gateway Santa Teresa: Unexpectedly, this turned into a multi-cache for us. The city needs to get out there and trim those bushes! TFTC.

Santa Teresa Driving Lessons: Vaccine had the cache in hand even before I had decided where to look first. They were vacuuming up the range balls nearby. TFTC.

Club Santa Teresa: This was our last cache of the day. Whew! I'm tired. Thanks for a fun day.

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