Monday, February 06, 2006

February 4, 2006

56 cache marathon with vaccine, geekster, and bthomas in Milpitas.

Weather Vane: RG&DL: Prepare for an onslaught of email! The first on our daylong Milpitas marathon. Thanks!

Twister: Very nicely done! Although he'll probably deny it, I don't think it was a purposeful action on vaccine's part that let to the discovery of this cache! He was just plum tired out and decided to rest his hand for a second.

Starlight Horseshoes: I've seen a few bocce lanes out caching, but never horse shoe pits. Thanks for the quickie.

Mystery Park and Ride - Milpitas: I happened to put my hand on the cache, so I knew it was there. I liked fact that we didn't have to fuss with the log too much! Thanks.

The Way Before the Bridges: Funny how time passes a spot by...some age gracefully, others, well...have more of a struggle. Thanks for a nice big cache in an urban location.

Duckey: I enjoyed the soothing waterfall and interesting architecture. TFTC.

in the middle of everything: Lots of people out for a trip to the nearby bakery (or was it a coffee shop?), but the cell phone store was locked up tight. Too bad, it's always fun to meet other cachers. Nice window cling! TFTC.

Bridge over Berryessa: I was quite proud of myself for coming up with this cache. Adjustment from vertical to horizontal thinking did the trick. Lots of people out walking and bike riding, but no one paid any attention to us. TFTC.

Lost Basket ball 1/2 Court: I was completely bamboozled on this one. After searching for a bit, I had settled on a particular object, and couldn't seem to stop trying to figure out how it related to the cache. It turns out there was no relationship at all. Just a plain old red herring. Meanwhile the others got the job done. Thanks.

Therapy Cache #1: Our search turned up some drug paraphanelia, which looked like very convincing camoflauge. I'd give at least $100 for a picture of bthomas confidently trying to screw the mouthpiece off of that bong. Good times! TFTC.

Therapy Cache #2: geekster and I each chose a spot to dive into the search, and mine turned out to be the right one. TFTC.

Therapy Cache #3: In order to retreive the cache, I set my GPSr down in the wrong spot and nearly lost it! TFTC.

Hiding at Hidden Lake: We parked in the wrong spot, but I was able to reach it anyway. TFTC.

Calle Oriente Park: Every park needs a cache. Thanks!

hey look.. a rock: I agree, this is one of those 'what *were* they thinking?' spots. TFTC.

Horse Tail: Very nice hide! I would have looked for quite awhile, but bthomas went right to it. Thanks!

Road to Adobe Closed: I'm pretty sure this cache had fallen out of its perch since geekster picked it up off the ground. Lotsa bicyclists whizzing by. TFTC.

Selwyn Park: We had the park to ourselves, which was a good thing since a fine-tooth comb search was required. Eventually the work was done. Thanks!

A Cow's Eye View: Nice green hills! Thanks.

Yosemite Passage: Fortunately the suspicious father who eyeballed us on the way in was out of eyesight at the cache location. Strange little spot.

Ben there, done that: Very nice execution! I always look forward to Geo Browns caches. Thanks!

In Around the Park: Although we knew exactly where to look, the cache was nicely concealed. I enjoyed the nice tiled monument with inspirational words and images. Thanks!

Once a Road: Progress, not always what it's cracked up to be.

Once a Fence: That RC helicopter was one of the coolest things I've seen on a caching trip! It was huge! bthomas and I watched it hover and swoop for quite a while. Oh, thanks for the cache too.

Berryessa Creek Bus Stop: There were several possible hiding spots, and geekster and I timidly searched. Fortunately, bthomas chose wisely and the cache was quickly in hand.

How Dry I am: This cache was not living up its billing today. There was a good flow in the little stream, and everything is starting to green up. It took a concerted effort to find the well concealed container. TFTC.

Knights Bridge Cache: geekster eventaully found this cache, but the find was made quite a bit more difficult by debris left when a tree was cut down recently. TFTC.

Off Target: Trying to hold a gpsr, pda, soda, sandwich, and bag of fries while searching for a cache is not easy. Just don't ask me to sign the log too!

Target Too: Still trying to finish my lunch, I decided to act as lookout on this cache. A couple of teenage girls in daddy's Navigator decided geekster, vaccine, and bthomas looked pretty funny...and I guess I have to agree. Does anybody know what that switch is for?

Dear Bowler, P.S.: Thanks for the smilie!

Milpitas or San Jose? : Somehow which city I was in seemed to be less important than whether or not the people on the other side of the fence would notice us. Thanks.

leaf something in Sinnott Park: This one seemed just a bit too brazen. Hopefully it lasts!

Yellowstone Park: pollen. You gotta love it.

UNO JUNIPER: Quick find. Wow, it's turned out to be a beautiful day! Warm winter sunshine streamed in as we signed the log. TFTC.

Holly's Cache: We must have looked like gophers popping up and down in those bushes. Persistence paid off.

Sierraville-Tulare: An older gentleman and his wife were working on their immaculate yard just around the corner. Everybody has their own form of relaxation I guess! TFTC.

Pirate Creek: Hopefully we left this cache in better shape than we found it.

Eggs to Go: Eggs and beer. What an interesting combination! TFTC.

Berryessa Library Park Cacti Gardens: Interesting area, but sorry, that was a nasty hiding spot. Somehow, I was the one who ended up down on all fours trying to retrieve the cache, and am pretty certain that the spot has become the local litter box. The smell was pretty overpowering.

Berryessa Library Park #2: A lady interrupted our search. I thought she would ask what was going on, but it turns out all she wanted was a light. We all got a good laugh over the cache container. Thanks!

Station 19: Yes, I'm not too ashamed to say that I was the one who overlooked it. In fact, I put my hand right on the cache, picked it up, and quickly pronounced it the genuine article. Whoops!

Creekside Rest: Like Station 19, I gave the hide location a cursory search and announced that it wasn't there. About 10 minutes later, bthomas re-searched the spot and found the cache. I must be getting tired. It's been a long day. Definitely put in a larger container! TFTC.

Wildlife Center: Lots of muggles, but we slipped in for a find.

Just Ducky: Now I can say that I've found a cache while being honked at by an angry goose! Thank goodness for that fence. Somebody ought to take that dollar coin before it rusts away. TFTC.

The Age of Aquarius: I was still poking around when I realized that vaccine had finished signing the log. Group caching is the best! TFTC.

Murphy's Law Cache: After geekster made the find, I wandered away...there was just too much unaccompanied adult in the area. This cache doesn't seem to be living up to it's namesake law!

Penitencia "Dectructocache": We had the cache out and were examining the contents when a very curious muggle stopped to stare. I informed her that we were on a treasure hunt, which elicited a smile. She sorta seemed like the type to get down and look for this cache. Hopefully there won't be any trouble.

Former Berryessa School Building: This was a very interesting building. Thanks for pointing it out.

Full of It: I searched a couple of really obvious spots, and then noticed geekster motioning me to look a little further out. By the time I turned around, vaccine had it in hand. TFTC.

Flying Solo V.P.: It was right where you said it would be! TFTC.

Flickenger Duex: Very nicely done! 2 of the 3 big three sports in full swing, but the nearby picnicing facilities were empty. I loved the way bthomas replaced the cache without breaking stride as we left. Very smooth! TFTC.

Tea for Four: Approach from the residential side was sketchy. Walking around to the commercial side, we enjoyed the sights, sounds and smells of the New Year season. Thanks for the diversion.

Brooktree: It was getting dark, and I was getting cold. The others were more persistent. Nice camo!

Frito Lay Passageway: I enjoyed the sign across the way: 'Don't feed the birds'. Never seen that in a parking lot, but if there are plenty of chips nearby, I suppose it could be a problem. TFTC.

Northwood Sign Only: Plenty of decoys here! Thanks for the mind games.

High Silver: Last one of the day! Whew, it's finally over. Tiring, but fun. TFTC.

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