Sunday, June 12, 2005

June 10, 2005

Mindego Trail Cache: Passed a park ranger in his truck at the trailhead. At first I thought he was watching us, but then, as soon as he started up the hill, two mountain bikers came zipping out of the fog from the other direction and nearly ran us over. That's who he was looking for! Ah, the cat and mouse life of a park ranger. TFTC.

Pillars of Stone: Whew we made it! I was more nervous than a cat in a room full of rocking chairs walking along that stretch of the fog...with two 5-year olds.

Razorback Ridge: John, Ted and I found this cache on the way to a campout at the beach. Okay, so we took the long way! The fog was settling fast, and by the time we got back to the car it was more like a rain storm. A little trading occured; thanks for a nicely stocked box.

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