Wednesday, December 22, 2004

December 22, 2004

Magic Forest: Whether it's 5 finds or 500, it doesn't really get any easier. My little noodle couldn't make sense of the clue, although I was quite thorough with the angles that occured to me.

root of my root: Cache run with John and Ted. Noticed the cache right off, but dismissed it as trash. (Whoops! Note to self: Cache in, trash out, maybe it will help!) Took some small stuff, left some bigger stuff. Container is full.

Homage to Silence: After getting spider webs on our fingers (yuck!), and reviewing simple physics prinicples illustrated by this sculpture, we paused to reconsider the situation. Suddenly, a light went on! (I know, I know, pretty lame.) Thanks.

From small acorns...: I made the find and signed the log while keeping the twins' swings going. Wow, what a talented Dad! Thanks.

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