Saturday, December 11, 2004

December 10, 2004

I went hiking in Santa Theresa county park...oh yeah, there were some caches there!

Nicely Stacked: I spent some time looking for this cache, to no avail. I'm wondering if the recent rains could have obscured a visual clue? Or, more likely, I just missed it. Oh, did I mention that it's really muddy?

M&J Style: Mint Cage: Got it! It's always nice to see a cache container that's been prepared with it's location in mind. SL.

Rocky Bench: Somehow, I ended up on the trail towards this cache with only the coordinates and not the description. Things turned out okay. A great hike, although everything was socked in with fog. TFTC.

Dwimmerlaik: For me, the degree of difficulty on this cache was increased by one star due to mud-caked shoes. Very nicely done.

I LIKE 1KE: In my haste to look at what might be hiding behind the camo'd cache container, I quickly grabbed it and set it aside. Only later did I notice the cache in its hiding place.

Once in a Blue Moon: Not wanting to uncover even a torpid snake, I made a half-hearted search. No luck. The trail is really muddy.

B-G-J Ranch: As predicted, my GPSr was a bit off. Since the barnyard was empty, I started a systematic search. After going over several likely places with a fine-toothed comb, the naturalist (who must have been watching me from the ranch house) came to my rescue. The conversation turned to snakes (of course). He also told me that there were several park rangers who happened to be avid geocachers. All in all, a very pleasant find.

Santa Teresa Spring: What an interesting place! TFTC.

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