Saturday, August 23, 2014

August 16, 2014

Rock dog and man by Braisher
Size: (regular) Difficulty: Terrain:
It looked like the dog has a few fleas! Visiting from California at Kicking Horse resort. TFTC. mjp303

Kicking Horse River and Columbia River Confluence by sheloudre
Size: (other) Difficulty: Terrain:
Pretty spot. Loved that single lane bridge over the river too! TFTC! mjp303

golden's pedestrian bridge by olympics10
Size: (other) Difficulty: Terrain:
The cache stuck out like a sore a geocacher! The covered bridge was very interesting. We are visiting from California and have really enjoyed our stay in Golden. Shopping at the farmer's market was a fun bonus. TFTC! mjp303

Golden's First - TCDNBC by Piper Air
Size: (regular) Difficulty: Terrain:
Across the bridge and along the river for a very nice little walk. Always nice to grab an oldie! TFTC. mjp303

Cowboy Treasure by Braisher
Size: (small) Difficulty: Terrain:
Enjoyed the restaurant and then found the cache! Lots of fun. We're from California: never had poutine before. hehe! A memorable part of the adventure was the name of the street: "Cache Close" Perfect. TFTC. mjp303

Cache close...why yes, it is!

Hooked on Checkers by getn'out
Size: (micro) Difficulty: Terrain:
We're hooked on geocaching...and the mosquitoes were hooked on us! Yikes. TFTC. mjp303

Moonraker by getn'out
Size: (other) Difficulty: Terrain:
We met some newlyweds from Manitoba camping up the road. Taught them about geocaching. The cache has definitely migrated, perhaps because it was below the snow this past spring? TFTC. mjp303

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