Saturday, June 14, 2014

May 24, 2013

BART: Purisima Creek Redwoods by bullit
Size: (regular) Difficulty: Terrain:
What a beautiful stretch of trail! Thanks for bringing me along it. As expected, the GPS was really jumpy, and I spent a while searching the wrong bridge. Finally logic prevailed and the find was mine. Now the tough part comes though...hiking back to the top. TFTC! mjp303

Size: (small) Difficulty: Terrain:
This cache had me befuddled for a while! Then I happened to look over to the side and spotted something that definitely didn't belong. hehe. Lightbulb moment for me. Perfect day for a hike, so thanks for the cache to get me out here. TFTC. mjp303

Purisima Creek Trail Clearing by eric.geocache
Size: (small) Difficulty: Terrain:
Beautiful day for a geocaching hike. This was the first stop for me, and a quick find before going down, down, down! Thanks for marking the way! TFTC. mjp303

Purisima Crk Redwoods Open Space Preserve ~ MROSD by MROSD
Size: (regular) Difficulty: Terrain:
This was the primary objective for today. What a beautiful spot along the creek with the redwoods towering overhead! The climb back to the top would be a struggle, but this spot made the effort all worthwhile. I love those beds of clover too! TFTC. mjp303

Size: (small) Difficulty: Terrain:
The camouflage had fallen away from the cache container, but it was still perched properly. Very, very exposed though. After signing the log, I fixed things up and then continued down. I was starting to get worried about the climb back to the top though. Pretty steep! TFTC. mjp303

Woodside Store by NavySparksandtheMrs
Size: (not chosen) Difficulty: Terrain:
Beautiful day for a caching! I was on my way up the hill for a hike in Purissima OSP, but stopped along the way for this puzzle. I found the second bison too, which led to some confusion, but subsequent communication with the CO straightened things out. A very cool piece of living history. TFTC! mjp303

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