Sunday, June 01, 2014

December 27, 2013

Cachestone Ridge by irc472
Size: (small) Difficulty: Terrain:
My favorite stretch of trail in the park! Thanks for getting me back here. TFTC. mjp303

PULGAS RIDGE: The Alien Mothership by bassocantor
Size: (regular) Difficulty: Terrain:
After finding Cachestone Ridge, I was tempted to double back instead of making the loop. Sure glad I didn't! The views were great, and I needed the exercise. TFTC. mjp303

Wood Star II by the voucher
Size: (not chosen) Difficulty: Terrain:
Picked up this cache at the end of a nice loop up the Polly Geraci trail and then up and down the Wood Rat trail. I liked the camouflage! TFTC. mjp303

Size: (micro) Difficulty: Terrain:
Out for a holiday hike, I passed more dogs than people on my way up the hill from the parking lot. Cache needs a new log tape, although I expect you know that already. TFTC. mjp303

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