Saturday, June 14, 2014

June 12, 2014

Brisbane CPRT Series – Area Closed by mrgrape
Size: (micro) Difficulty: Terrain:
Fourth on my Crocker Park circuit. Good to get back on track with a find. Nicely hidden! A walker passed my on the trail near this cache. The only other person I saw along the trail. TFTC! mjp303

Brisbane CPRT Series – Green with Envy by mrgrape
Size: (small) Difficulty: Terrain:
Eighth on my Crocker Park circuit. This was a fun series! A beautiful day to be outside. I continued on down the path to complete the loop, wishing that there were more to find. TFTC. mjp303

Brisbane CPRT Series – High Voltage by mrgrape
Size: (micro) Difficulty: Terrain:
The second on my Crocker Park circuit. Those warehouses are big! TFTC. mjp303

Brisbane CPRT Series – Lonely Holly Tree by mrgrape
Size: (small) Difficulty: Terrain:
Sixth on my Crocker Park circuit. I don't think that tree is lonely! It looks like an honored guest. Very interesting. TFTC. mjp303

Brisbane CPRT Series – Tread lightly by mrgrape
Size: (small) Difficulty: Terrain:
Seventh on my Crocker Park circuit. This one took me a lot longer than it should have! The clue suggested a different type of hide. All's well that ends well though! TFTC. mjp303

Brisbane CPRT Series – V strikes Back by mrgrape
Size: (small) Difficulty: Terrain:
The first on my Crocker Park circuit. Thanks for the opportunity to explore this trail. TFTC. mjp303

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