Sunday, January 15, 2012

December 10, 2011

WarNinjas-Kayak Cache-The Crab's Shack by WarNinjas
Size: (small) Difficulty: Terrain:
A chilly paddle on a winter afternoon, but fortunately no wind. We spent more time picking a launching spot than actually on the water, although somehow this doesn't suprise me! While unloading, we did see a kayak approaching GZ, perhaps it was the CO. Thanks for the adventure. mjp303

WarNinjas TIRED of geocaching by WarNinjas
Size: (regular) Difficulty: Terrain:
Along our way to 'Submerged', we made a landing briefly so I could record a find. TFTC! mjp303

Gilligan's Lagoon by caccbag
Size: (not chosen) Difficulty: Terrain:
I found this cache while scouting a shorter route to the nearby 5* 'submerged', no, it is not a good idea to float the kayak through the tubes under the freeway to the bay! TFTC. mjp303

WarNinjas-Kayak Cache-Submerged by WarNinjas
Size: (small) Difficulty: Terrain:
Definitely surreal to be paddling on the bay just yards from an extremely busy freeway. I found myself wondering whether or not anyone noticed us as they sped by. It was probably close to a zero tide by the time we arrived, which made retrieval a snap. As noted, the cache container is nice and dry on the inside, with lots of life taking hold on the outside. We did see a family stopped on the freeway and watching the current flow out of the tubes. TFTC! mjp303

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