Sunday, August 01, 2010

July 28, 2010

"Find Me"

By: Bob & Elliecat Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

Heh! Good one. Took me a good 15 minutes of diligent searching until the light bulb finally went on. TFTC.

Water Dog Lake

By: kanchan Difficulty: 2.5 Terrain: 2.5 Container: Small

I took the shorter route, and was really glad that the trail was dry! At my height, ducking under those fallen trees slowed me down a little too. By the time I arrived at GZ, the sun had set and I needed a flashlight to spot the cache. Thanks.

Belmont Creek

By: kanchan Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 2.0 Container: Small

I've wandered down this path once before. The first time I was really hoping it might end up someplace interesting instead of just petering out. Thanks for another cache in a great park!

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