Thursday, August 13, 2009

August 8, 2009

How Cool is Your Hand?

By: geohamcash Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

HaHa. Very funny. I thought we'd stumbled on a crime scene for a second or two! TFTC.

Pipe Down Over There!

By: crew416 Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

Third of three in a quick Fresno pit stop. TFTC.

Big Paul

By: Divisionsix Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

My GPSr went completely bonkers near this cache. bthomas and British Invasion made the find while I struggled with it. Thanks guys, and TFTC!


By: redwoodcanoe Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Small

After seeing the General Sherman tree earlier in the day, this spot brought us back to earth. TFTC.

18 Holes?

By: CentralCArn Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

I thought it was 18 moles...oh, wait, that was Caddy Shack! TFTC.


By: crew416 Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Regular

Got it! Mahalo!

White Horse

By: Nutlady adopted by Iseebergy Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

Tough to spot in the failing light, but we did eventually. TFTC.

Color My World Again

By: redwoodcanoe Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

That was a good hide. I loved the muggle misdirection! TFTC.

Salt Creek 1922

By: Ray T. Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

Pretty quiet on the road, so I parked where I shouldn't have and we made a quick find. I liked the cave with the for sale sign nearby! And the river is really beautiful. TFTC.

Pumpkin Hollow

By: Ray T. Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 2.0 Container: Small

Strange that the restaurant wouldn't be open on a pleasant summer Saturday night. TFTC.

Wile E. Coyote

By: redwoodcanoe Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

Found a cache, and got a chuckle from reading the sign. Thanks.

We Like Chocklick

By: Radikel Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

This was a very busy spot. People walking in and out of shops. Cars coming and going every which way. Fortunately the cache was in the first place I looked. bthomas' efforts in distraction proved invaluable and delicious! Thanks.


By: 2VW's Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Not chosen

This was an interesting old country store. The owner gave us a bit of its history and the story of the untimely demise of the cache's hiding spot. Although the day was quite pleasant, we were happy to get a soda for the road. TFTC!

Lest We Forget

By: geohamcash gameisafoot Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

We were somewhat distracted by all the folks arriving for a wake. Soon enough, everything fell into place. I think that's one of a handful of days I'll never forget where I was and what I was doing. TFTC.

Little Spooky

By: Radikel Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 2.0 Container: Small

I like a good cemetary cache! Thanks.

Edison Power Rock

By: CacheTrooper Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

Interesting spot! Good PR for the power company I suppose. TFTC.

Reimers Cache

By: nutlady (Adopted by b12edwards 9/11/08) Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Regular

We didn't notice the obvious hiding spot until we'd thoroughly explored that bamboo the dark. Nothing doing, of course. After a while, we realized our mistake. TFTC.

Wooden it be Nice

By: redwoodcanoe Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

Last cache in Hanford. A fun place to make some finds. During our visit we ran into two cops, one paid and one volunteer, and that was pretty much it. Thanks!

Unlawful Carnal Knowledge

By: redwoodcanoe Difficulty: 2.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

Interesting "memorial" (!?!), but I missed the ECV marker! While hunting and signing the log, a drunk guy on a bike rode by muttering nonsense. TFTC.

More Than a Sign Only Cache

By: Radikel Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Small

We pulled in right next to the cache, and grabbed it to do the paperwork during lunch at the cafe accross the parking lot. A good spot to take a break and refuel. TFTC.

Power Me Up!

By: mountain_mmike Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

We made a connection, but being grounded, didn't get shocked. TFTC.

we're sizzlin

By: redwoodcanoe Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Regular

The grill was definitely cold by the time we passed by. TFTC.

Jeepers Creepers

By: Munk_MGD Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Regular

Thanks for the quick roadside stop!

Where's the ER?

By: johetyem Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Virtual

After descending a very curvy and steep hwy 198, it was definitely time to give the brakes a breather. I enjoyed learning a little bit about the people who lived here. Acorns seem like a pretty tough way to keep the hunger pangs away! Thanks.

Living Large

By: bthomas Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Virtual

British Invasion and I made the hike down from the top, and milled about like ants for a few moments. Wow! This tree is definitely near the top of the list of many awe inspiring sights I've discovered while Geocaching, and a good number of those have been in the company of the owner of this cache. Thanks Ben for all the good times! Interesting to note that Eagle81 was here on the same day as we were, given that he lives just a mile or so from me back home in the bay area. Thanks for the virtual cache!

1000 Cash for G M

By: bthomas Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 2.0 Container: Small

Arriving with the cache owner at the beginning of a marathon day, things were all set to replace. bthomas hopped out of the car and had the supposedly missing cache container in hand in about 5 seconds. Although things have changed in the area around the cache with lots of new homes, 1000 caches is still quite a significant milestone! TFTC.

Ranger's Fund

By: Kyle,Katie Tara Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Virtual

On a long trip day trip from the bay area, and this cache was one of the primary objectives. Unfortunately, we arrived after closing time. Hopefully close (within 10 feet!) counts in virtual caches just as it does in horseshoes and hand grenades. This was my first visit to Sequoia NP, and I hope to return for another visit! Thanks.

Merced Assembly Center

By: 2 for the road Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Virtual

I've been to Manzanar and Tule Lake before, but didn't realize that there was an intermediate stop. Thanks for pointing out this spot and the history lesson.

Northern CA Solar System Model: Planet Uranus

By: TeamJiffy Difficulty: 3.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

Heading to the edge of the solar system and beyond, bthomas and British Invasion were kind enough to allow me the time to stop off at several of these planetary waypoints. This spot brought back memories of a very similar spot close to home: 'Gustine's Sister Cache', which gave me fits as a newbie. Thanks for the memories!

Northern CA Solar System Model: Planet Neptune

By: TeamJiffy Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

Took a stroll along the canal to find the cache. Thanks for this interesting series!

Northern CA Solar System Model: Planet Pluto

By: TeamJiffy Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

A final stop before heading for points unknown. It was suprisingly quiet in the park for a Saturday afternoon. TFTC!

Approach the Bench

By: Radikel Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Small

I keep sticking my hands in places I can't see. More often than not, I come out with a cache! Thanks.


By: Radikel Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

Given the day and time, we probably should have passed on this cache. Going in, we thought it would be a quick grab, and that we would be gone before anyone noticed. Unfortunately not. As the minutes dragged on, a friendly vendor came over and learned about geocaching. Eventually the cache was ours. Thanks.

Newmans Historic Homeless Distric:Take 2

By: DJFRANCIS Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Regular

Travelling between Patterson and Gustine, we couldn't resist a quick stop...or so we thought! The search dragged out a bit, but eventually the light went on for British Invasion, and we had a cache in hand. Thanks!

Wake Up Call

By: Gastank2 Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Other

Saturday. All quiet at the office. You must be out caching! Thanks.

Civic Duty

By: Dutiful Pie Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

Finally we discover a place with something going on at this late hour! It appears to be a night club, and every single 20 something in town is here. TFTC.

KIT #1 - The Light Comes on

By: Photom Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

Quick find on our approach to Merced. Thanks for lighting the way!

Circa 1931

By: Photom Difficulty: 2.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

This building certainly seemed like the signature spot in town. A 1600 seat theater for a 7500 person town! That's ambitious thinking! Thanks for bringing us here.

Happy To Be Merced First

By: HappyToBeFirst Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

Yeah, those fellows who came out of the chuch in work clothes with tools were mighty curious about us. Neither of them had the temerity to strike up a conversation though. TFTC.

Happy To Be First 5

By: HappyToBeFirst Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

Flight control, this is . After a brief stop to find this cache, we'll be approaching Neptune. Over and out. TFTC. Edit to correct date logged.

Lasting Lookout

By: treasurelane Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 2.0 Container: Regular

We saw the sign and knew that we were getting closer to the park. Those views just keep on giving. Very nice! TFTC.

Kunta Kinte

By: redwoodcanoe Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 2.5 Container: Small

I was WAAAY down the hill when bthomas came up with the find. Glad to be in a group! TFTC.

The Rowdy Tot Cache

By: 2 for the road Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

All quiet around the back of the auto parts store! Just us and the eensie weensie spider! Thanks.


By: 2 for the road Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

Yikes! Don't tell the health inspector! TFTC.

County Line - Madera

By: TRAKD Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

Passing through. Thanks for the local trivia and the cache!

Gilbert M

By: Photom Difficulty: 2.5 Terrain: 2.0 Container: Micro

Lots of nooks and crannies. Plenty of fretting over spiders. In the end, right in front of my nose. Relieved to finally make a find! TFTC.

Remember the Alamos II

By: geohamcash gameisafoot Hercule Poirot Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

vdbalamo, team alamo, alamogul...the name may change, but the legendary drive to cache remains the same. TFTC!

Cowboy Up...Or Not

By: geohamcash gameisafoot Hercule Poirot Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

Yippeekiyay! ...oh, wait, that was John McClane, a cop. Sorry. TFTC.

Where Boys Are Mean To Ducks

By: CentralCArn Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

With the fishing derby in full swing, we weren't sure that this cache would be possible. bthomas took his camera and provided cover. British Invasion signed the log with casual nonchalance, and I kept watch on the vehicle under that highway 'No Parking' sign. TFTC.

Fish Stories

By: CentralCArn Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

Strangely enough, no fishermen today. Fortunately, this apparently soggy spot had dried up in the Summer heat, which made the searching quite a bit easier. TFTC.

Photom rocks to 3000

By: jpd43 Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

This cache took us a long time to find. Fortunately the search area was shady and cool! TFTC.

JPD's 5000

By: nuts4nuts Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Not chosen

5K, quite a milestone! An understanding spouse, perhaps even more laudable! TFTC.

DMB - I'll Back You Up

By: April93 Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

A quick stop before heading for higher elevations. I needed a few caches on this DeLorme page. Thanks!

Sign Of The Times

By: redwoodcanoe Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

We searched for a while, and then I noticed something that looked out of place. With a bit of tugging, I had the cache in hand shortly. Nicely done!

Buggy Bath

By: redwoodcanoe Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

Saturday night caching in Hanford. Good times! TFTC.

Keep Out!

By: redwoodcanoe Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

I am unclear on what was on the other side of the fence, but glad that it didn't include any barking dogs! TFTC.

Welcome To Stevenson

By: nuts4nuts Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

Thanks for pointing out this place. Otherwise we probably would have rushed on by!

Orange and Sycamore

By: conehead51 Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Not chosen

bthomas found the cache in a very logical spot, and then proceeded to fumble with the log strip while making our marks. Thanks for taking one for the team, Ben! TFTC.

wilding park

By: mpeterson75 Difficulty: 2.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

Hey! I'm an mpeterson too! TFTC!

Out Past Reality

By: redwoodcanoe Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

Definitely a surreal experience after about 16 hours caching and 400 miles under our belts. Gee only 200 more miles to go! TFTC.

3180-That's Alot

By: BeamerJeep Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

We came by early enough on a Saturday that there weren't any kids to dodge. Thanks for the hide.

Patterson Canal Bank

By: conehead51 Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

Yup, I drove the cache mobile up right next to the cache, and got to display my backing up skills on the way out! Fortunately I didn't put it in the canal! TFTC.

Not Another Turnout! #12

By: backpckingfool Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Other

Thank goodness for those turnouts! Steep, steep, steep as we make our way up the hill. TFTC.

celebrating 700 with a view

By: 70type3 Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

There were many great views along the highway up into the mountains. Thanks for placing a cache so that we could enjoy this one!

Sulphur Springs TB Hotel/Day Spa

By: southpaw35 Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Regular

Warm night, windows on the house open, but lights off. I wondered if we woke you up! TFTC.

Orange Blossom

By: Jodeejo Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Other

A great place to stop for a bite (...or two...or three!) Whew, I was stuffed, but that burger was good! As to the cache, every once in a great while my cache mojo appears! This was one of those rare occasions. Thanks.

In Memory of My Bud, 50sumtin

By: 50sumtin's Cow Pie Difficulty: 2.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Not chosen

Definitely the most creative hide of our very long day trip from the bay area. We miss you too, Bud! TFTC.

Kit Fox Stanislaus Co.

By: Griptoad Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

The first of the day at 8am after driving over from the bay area. Thanks for gettting our marathon day started!

Kitchen Sink

By: PurpHaze Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Other

Definitely a unique cache container. Thanks.

A Senior Moment

By: Photom Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

One of many during our 3 hour tour of Merced. Thanks!

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