By: GoGoJo Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 3.0 Container: Regular
Thanks for the introduction to this new trail. Hiking through to Big Basin seems like quite a trek, but I suppose we went nearly as far as that on our loop today. TFTC.
Redwood Jumble
By: GoGoJo Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 3.0 Container: Regular
I was a little winded from the climb up to the cache from the creek, so I decided to catch my breath and take a drink. By the time I got close, all of the excitment was over. TFTC.
Upper Coyote Slog
By: bytemobile Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 2.5 Container: Regular
not2be was telling us about his FTF hunt for this cache. Quite an accomplishment if you ask me! With the overgrown trail closing in, I'm starting to wonder if I'll rue the decision to wear shorts. I think a Technu shower is in my future! TFTC.
Bearing Trees
By: bytemobile Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 2.0 Container: Small
With plenty of natural seats closeby, we took a long break in the (somewhat) cool shade. Thanks for pointing out a great trail. We all enjoyed the hike today!
Giant Teeter Totter
By: Michael_SFBA Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 2.5 Container: Regular
There was some initial discussion of whether or not we would have to actually climb up on the teeter-totter to find the cache. Eventually we made the grab at a more sensible elevation. Thanks,
Saguaro Sempervirens
By: Michael_SFBA Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 2.0 Container: Small
Every bit as impressive as 'Saluting General' over in Purisima! I've got to wonder why the loggers didn't cut these trees down. Was it superstition? Were they too dangerous to bring down? Whatever the reason, we get to appreciate them now! TFTC.
The Peppermint Stick Tree
By: GoGoJo Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 3.0 Container: Regular
It's pretty clear how the fire attacked the tree, but what I can't understand is why the wood grain would have been twisted like that in the first place. Quite interesting, and worth the little detour we took to find it. TFTC.
Who's That Trip Trapping....?
By: GoGoJo Difficulty: 2.5 Terrain: 3.0 Container: Regular
I was down playing in the creek when the find was made. Quite a pleasant spot. IIRC, there used to be a cache on the opposite side of the creek in pretty much the same type of hiding spot.
The Sky's This Way
By: GoGoJo Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 2.0 Container: Regular
An easy walk down from the trailhead, but I knew that we would pay for that descent at the end of the day. Chatting with other members of the group made the time pass quickly! Not too hot at all yet, but the air was quite still. TFTC.
I think I know you!
By: Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 2.5 Container: Small
There's a lot I don't know, but I do know a cacher when I see one. Funny how that works! TFTC.
Pescadero Park Sawmill
By: GoGoJo Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 2.5 Container: Regular
It's interesting what people leave behind. When departing, it seems most think 'Oh, no need to bother with that now, I'll be back soon enough.' ...and then never return. Funny how that works. TFTC.
Camp Pomponio Road Trailhead
By: Michael_SFBA Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 2.0 Container: Small
Your efforts to introduce us to this part of Pescadero Creek park suceeded nicely! A group of 8 gathered here to hike the Tarwater - Pomponio - Coyote Ridge Loop. I wasn't aware of the 'honor camp' nearby, but spent a moment watching a sheriff's deputy close the gate after driving down to make a delivery. TFTC!
Unsafe for Horses
By: bytemobile Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 2.0 Container: Small
I guess if there is some sort of spring seeping up out of the ground near here it would be a problem for horses. We were able to tiptoe around the puddles and made a find. TFTC.
Banana Slug Flat
By: bytemobile Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 2.5 Container: Small
Quite warm today. I can tell that this climb is going to be quite a challenge for me. Thanks for providing a spot to rest!
Coyote Ridge
By: bytemobile Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 2.5 Container: Regular
Whew! Huff and puff. That easy downhill trail is comming back to haunt me now! Pretty hike though; thanks for getting me out here.
Tiptoe Log
By: bytemobile Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro
I had just come from tiptoeing across the creeek on a fallen log about 6 feet above the water, so this cache was aptly named. Thanks.
Tiptoe Falls
By: bytemobile Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 2.0 Container: Regular
I wonder if all the people at the falls thought we were a bit strange for sitting back a ways on that log? Well, we had our reasons! Nice group effort keeping the line of sight obstructed while the signing business was done! TFTC.
Old Haul Junction
By: bytemobile Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Regular
This cache was to be the turn around point and way across the creek. Then a new cache popped up, so we had to go get it. Motor Bug and bthomas also realized that this was where the ranger had told them the bridge was out. So our plans got a little diverted, but we were able to find our way back to HQ. TFTC.
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