Sunday, March 16, 2008
March 15, 2008
By: CKayaks Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 3.5 Container: Regular
Out with airsax for a challenging hike to El Sombroso on a cool and windy day. It is a neverending source of irritation to me that I had to hike 6 miles to get to this cache along a road that I could have very easily driven in my Jeep. [;)] TFTC.
Sweet Sounds Of Water
By: CKayaks Difficulty: 2.5 Terrain: 3.5 Container: Small
Out with airsax for a challenging hike to El Sombroso on a cool and windy day. The wind in the trees and the water falling over the rocks made a very relaxing sound. Thanks for giving us a reason to pause and enjoy it! TFTC.
Holed Up There
By: CKayaks Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 3.5 Container: Micro
Out with airsax for a challenging hike to El Sombroso on a cool and windy day. I'm not sure why the cache was so wet since the top was capped securely. Perhaps the hiding spot had filled with water during recent rains? TFTC.
Five Finger Discount
By: Mystery Ink Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 2.5 Container: Small
Out with airsax for a challenging hike to El Sombroso on a cool and windy day. A quick stop on our way up the mountain. TFTC.
Tram Lines
By: CKayaks Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 3.0 Container: Regular
Out with airsax for a challenging hike to El Sombroso on a cool and windy day. The wind was whistling through the power lines and making a very unusal sound. TFTC.
Snake Alert
By: CKayaks Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 3.5 Container: Regular
Out with airsax for a challenging hike to El Sombroso on a cool and windy day. After circling around, this was a quick find. TFTC.
Sierra Azul Trader
By: Tonton-Ca Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 2.5 Container: Regular
Out with airsax for a challenging hike to El Sombroso on a cool and windy day. We stopped for this one on the way back down. It about killed me to climb the last 100'. TFTC.
Sombroso Spur
By: pedaler Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 4.5 Container: Regular
Out with airsax for a challenging hike to El Sombroso on a cool and windy day. Of course, this was the objective. She was a great sport to come with me a second time, having visited a month or so earlier with a GBA deathmarch group starting from Lexington Reservoir. Wisely she waited by the trail while I made the final push. Rain earlier in the day meant that I was soaked after finishing my wade through the bushes, but I perservered and now the box on my Fizzy Matrix is checked! TFTC.
Woods Cache
By: Marky & Joani Difficulty: 2.5 Terrain: 2.5 Container: Regular
Out with airsax for a challenging hike to El Sombroso on a cool and windy day. In the 4+ years since the cache was placed, the PO situation has changed considerably. There's pleny of brand new sprigs poking up. I liked the hiding spot. TFTC.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
March 8, 2008
By: WalruZ Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro
Out for a hike with British Invasion on a beautiful spring day. Thanks for providing the bread crumbs that lead me here! TFTC.
Creek View
By: CompuCash Difficulty: 3.5 Terrain: 3.5 Container: Regular
Out for a caching hike with British Invasion on a beautiful spring day. A quick find, probably because we'd gotten used to the hiding style on previous caches. TFTC.
WWicky #5
By: CompuCash Difficulty: 4.0 Terrain: 4.0 Container: Regular
Out for a caching hike with British Invasion on a beautiful spring day. Love these steep hills green with new grass...the fresh PO sprigs, not so much. TFTC.
WWicky #4
By: CompuCash Difficulty: 4.5 Terrain: 4.5 Container: Regular
Out for a hike with British Invasion on a beautiful spring day. We searched down the hillside for quite a while, gradually working our way up. A very large bay tree has recently fallen accross the creek, and the branches and leaves are covering the ground very close to where we eventually found the cache. For a while, I thought the cache might be underneath the tangle of branches. Eventually I spotted a pen on the ground which led to a quick find. TFTC.
WWicky #3
By: CompuCash Difficulty: 4.0 Terrain: 4.5 Container: Regular
Out for a caching hike with British Invasion on a beautiful spring day. We intended to find this cache second, but took a wrong trail and ended up circling way around from the other direction. This one was the primary objective for me today. That odd T/D combination fills a Fizzy Challenge requirement. TFTC.
WWicky #1
By: CompuCash Difficulty: 4.5 Terrain: 4.5 Container: Regular
Out for a hike with British Invasion on a beautiful spring day. With the tree cover overhead making zero a bit imprecise, we searched for a bit before finding the well hidden cache. TFTC.
Bay Tree Bay View
By: CompuCash Difficulty: 4.0 Terrain: 4.0 Container: Small
Out for a caching hike with British Invasion on a beautiful spring day. We came at this one from down the hill. The approach required a bit of a bushwack. BI zeroed near some really thick PO bushes, which I refused to approach. Wandering off in another direction, I had the cache in hand a few minutes later. TFTC.
Top of the World
By: CompuCash Difficulty: 4.0 Terrain: 4.0 Container: Small
Out for a caching hike with British Invasion on a beautiful spring day. Great views! I was huffing and puffing pretty hard to get them though. TFTC.
Fungus Humungus
By: CompuCash Difficulty: 4.0 Terrain: 4.0 Container: Small
Out for a caching hike with British Invasion on a beautiful spring day. Suspicious piping and electrical wire nearby, but I think it's just for pumping water up to the building on the ridge. I liked this hide! TFTC.
Cars? In Trees?
By: UPSgirl (maintained by WalruZ) Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 3.0 Container: Regular
Out for a caching hike with British Invasion on a beautiful spring day. After finding the cache, we spend a moment trying to determine the make of the car. Although it's pretty stripped, BI happened on a piece of trim...a Mercury. TFTC.
Kansas City A's
By: The Xeroids Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 2.0 Container: Regular
Out for a caching hike with British Invasion on a beautiful spring day. Nice views on the way to this cache. Thanks for luring us into this park. TFTC.
March 7, 2008
By: vaccine Difficulty: 3.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro
2TF @ 5:30pm. Thanks for a simpler version!
Crew 71 Cache #1
By: Crew 71 Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Small
Thanks for showing me this very nice park. Initial zero had me closer to some unfriendly signage, but I eventually sniffed it out. TFTC.
March 3, 2008
By: runnerinwoods Difficulty: 2.5 Terrain: 2.0 Container: Micro
Recognized the spot as I approached. Just after 7pm, things seemed quiet at first, but then people started streaming out of the nearby building. If they work until 7, I wonder what time they start? Anyhow, I hung out until things quieted down again, and then got down to a serious search. Ahhhh...TFTC.
March 1, 2008
By: E.caballus Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro
After dark find. Those lights are actually quite bright. TFTC.
International Monetary Exchange
By: chasam & jayaway Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Small
Fortunately there was a truck parked in a perfect position to cover our search. TFTC.
Never on a Sundae
By: pao_flyers Difficulty: 2.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro
Whew! What camouflage! Thinking like a geocacher did the trick though. Flush with excitement, we celebrated our find with an ice cream treat! TFTC.
LAH Pathways: Foothill College Bridge
By: budd-rdc Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Regular
Out for a little Geo-date with Mrs303. (What a great gal!) We enjoyed the walk to the cache by flashlight. Thanks.
February 25, 2008
By: ms piglet Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 2.0 Container: Small
Rough in the dark. Several dogs and their owners surely were wondering what me and my flashlight were up to. TFTC.
Practice, practice
By: homermayor Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Small
Tricky little hide. Thanks for making me work for it!
I-Park Shortcut
By: ChipnDonna Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro
Got it. Signed log. TFTC.
The Launch Pad
By: Major Phlegm Difficulty: 2.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small
I made the grab and got a shower since the cache was full of water. The log was totally soaked and pasted to the lid of the cache, so I didn't sign. That retrieval aid caused the seal to fail. The cache needs some attention.