Monday, April 30, 2007

April 21, 2007


By: geovirus Difficulty: 4.5 Terrain: 4.5 Container: Small

Motorbug and I had a lot of fun with this cache. Although his 'tool' was a bit floppy, I did manage to dislodge the cache from its perch. Unfortunately, retreiving it from the mud proved another matter entirely. At that point, I think desperation was fueling my efforts. After about 20 minutes, I somehow managed to hook the cache before it sunk into the ooze and disappeared forever. Yes, victory! Thanks for a fun challenge.

S4CZ #5: high voltage

By: cooperphoto Difficulty: 4.0 Terrain: 5.0 Container: Not chosen

Fantastic views from this cache! doogelah was kind enough to meet us at the trail head and supply some necessary safety equipment. Motorbug scrambled up like a mountain goat. My job was schlepping the ladder up the hill and recording the event for posterity. Fun!

East County Trail The Pitts Adjusted

By: joeysdad Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

I had trouble navigating to this cache, and we ended up touring the automobile dealership. If I'd known how quickly Motorbug was going to find it, I wouldn't have worried too much about parking in their driveway. Cute little hide!

Bart: North Concord/Martinez Station

By: Blanston12 Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

The rain was coming down pretty hard during our walk to this cache. Revealing it turned out to be especially noisy, and I wondered if the neighbors had ever noticed that strange sound (well, not to cachers!) TFTC.

Hwy 37E Quickie #2 - Across from Infineon

By: Binky del Mar Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

Motorbug and I bagged a few quads today. It was the first time for me on this road. Thanks for laying the bait!

Hwy 37W Quickie #3 - Weigh In

By: Binky del Mar Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

Although we were in and out uneventfully, another fellow wasn't so lucky, and his truck was being loaded on a tow truck. TFTC.

Hwy 37E Quickie #1 - Sonoma Marina

By: Binky del Mar Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

This was the first cache on our trip across the top of the Bay Area quadrangle challenge. Thanks!

Hwy 37E Quickie #4 - Mare Island

By: Binky del Mar Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

Motorbug filled my in on a bit of the history of the area. Lots of old memories floating around on the breeze here. TFTC!

Will the Real Cache Please Stand Up?

By: J5 Crew Difficulty: 4.5 Terrain: 4.0 Container: Micro

Motorbug and I searched. Then we searched some more. About a dozen decoys in olive drab and even one stray white film can mocked us, but the gold we sought was not giving up its secret. A lifeline gave us encouragement, and then Motorbug had a really brilliant thought. No, I'm not telling what it was, but suffice it to say that I had the cache in hand about two minutes later. Truely evil, and a stroke of cache hiding genius. Thanks for the cache! mjp303


By: DIN & LEAN Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 2.0 Container: Small

We should have trusted the GPSr right from the start...either that or stop peeking at the hints too soon. [;)] TFTC.

That Tam Sunset

By: andleis Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Small

Motorbug and I got a kick out of the 'road'. After being loudly greeted by the cache gaurdian (who was fortunately behind a fence) we strolled over to an easy find. Unfortunately, grey skies and rain mean no beautiful sunset today. Still, a very pleasant view. TFTC.

aladino's cache

By: Cal78 & Fan5 Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

Some maintainance work very closeby had knocked the cache onto the ground, but fortunately we were able to find it. After signing the log, we restored the container to its proper spot. Thanks.

One Old Tree

By: fan5 Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

Somehow we missed the main gate (which was still open) and ended up parking across the street. Walking to the cache allowed us to see some interesting old grave markers though.

Lafayette History Lesson

By: Blue Blaze Irregulars Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

After searching in some prickly spots, Motorbug had an 'ahah' and the find was ours. Thanks for the tour of Lafayette! mjp303

Travel Bug Olympics

By: mcl768 Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 2.0 Container: Regular

Thanks for the nice large cache. I dropped a couple of travel bugs that were getting far too comfortable in my cache bag.

The Back Cracker

By: Lithiumtech Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

Motorbug and I struggled with this one. The GPSr was bouncing all over under those trees, but we eventually checked all the likely spots and came up with it.


By: DavidT21 & Fisherwoman Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

After failing to get to this cache from the wrong side of the fence, we eventually worked our way back through the office park. Following the muddy footprints to the cache made quick work of it. Afterwards, we made a stop for bellyflops and headed out. TFTC.

April 15, 2007

Napster Was Here

By: crawburr Difficulty: 2.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

A quick find on the way home tonight. Thanks for the dot com rise and fall history lesson!

April 13, 2007

In Plane View

By: robotman Difficulty: 3.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

12:25p [8D]FTF![8D] Wow! A new cache approved at lunch-time only minutes from work. It was too good to be true, so I rushed out the door...just like marivic1211 and navigator25 did, come to find out. [;)] I was on scene a minute or two before the others, but the hide was a bit tricky and we all searched together. It was a true first to find race. Thanks for the excitement and organizing the impromptu party! Oh, and I almost forgot: The views are stunning! Thanks for pointing out this new stretch of trail.

C & H Cache

By: Birds I View (formerly Birdzivew) and StevieD Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Regular

This cache was quick diversion from my daily commute this morning on the way into work. I've never been to Hawaii, but it's close to the top of my 'must visit someday' list. Something to dream about during the daily grind! TFTC.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

April 7, 2007


By: Chaosorder Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

Since I arrived at the scavenger hunt a little early, this cache seemed like a good way to occupy my time. Thanks for the introduction to local history!

Help, I'm being retained

By: Moozer Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

I was with British Invasion and vaccine for today's scavenger hunt, and we were the FTF group on this cache. After proudly collecting moozer's wooden nickel and our first list of scavenger items, we peeled off to further adventures! TFTC.

Fore-gone conclusion

By: Moozer Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

I was out with vaccine and British Invasion for the scavenger hunt. We followed another team right past a no tresspassing sign and apparently avoided a large patch of poison oak in doing so. A wise choice, IMHO. TFTC.

Rusty Road Rail

By: Mr.Moo Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

A quick detour during the scavenger hunt since vaccine needed a minute or two to track down the location of some of our items. British Invasion and I were initally searching on the wrong side of the road, but then I thought to check the logical spot. Bingo!

Long Stay in Sonoma

By: Moozer Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

I like visiting this type of cache, although this time I felt a bit disrespectful since there was an elderly gentleman laying flowers on his wife's grave nearby. For me, the scavenger hunt item at another cemetary where we visited the the graves of people killed in the 1906 earthquake was one of the highlights of the day. TFTC.

Hey you, Calyptus

By: Moozer Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

Heading back west after touring Sonoma, we picked up another list. Lots of things on the list to collect, and so little time left me wishing we'd been asked to bag a few more geocaching smilies. TFTC.

Cotati West

By: Moozer Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

We met a couple of boys carrying a hand made "Don't park in our driveway" sign down to the street. I tried to engage them in friendly coversation while British Invasion made the find, but they were not buying it. I suppose a couple of dozen scavenger hunt teams would make me skeptical too. TFTC.

Mocha Mama 2

By: DaveQ Difficulty: 2.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

We stopped to find this cache after trying to get a WaMu pen for the scavenger hunt. The bank was closed, but someone actually showed up and went in after hours. I begged her to get me a pen while she was inside, but it didn't work. Sigh. I'm not a bank robber; I'm just a geocacher for heaven's sake! Oh, I swapped bugs.

Duck Duck Duck

By: swagendave Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

I was part of the FTF group on this cache while out with vaccine and British Invasion on the scavenger hunt. Thanks for placing new caches for us to enjoy!

The Sonoma County Cachevenger Hunt

By: Moozer Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.5

Thanks for putting together a great event! I enjoyed the day with vaccine and British Invasion touring Sonoma county. There's pleny to see, and I'll be back to discover more!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

March 31, 2007

What's in Grant's Cache?

By: pao_flyers Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

I was barking up the wrong tree for quite some time, but finally realization set in. Interesting how I jumped to the wrong conclusion so quickly (...okay, maybe you did a little leading...), and then had a devil of a time seeing my mistake. Very nicely conceived and executed!

Where have all the flowers gone

By: Walruz Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

What an interesting little oddity! During the search, vaccine commented on my cache hunting bravery. Thanks, buddy! TFTC.

Virginia Park Cache

By: Thefogheads Difficulty: 2.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

Nighttime was probably the best time to search for this cache, although we were a bit concerned that we might attract the attention of a cop passing by. Fortunately that didn't turn out to be an issue, and we eventually found the nicely concealed cache. Thanks!

Concrete Creek Cache

By: Gamemaniac Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Micro

As we sauntered over to the cache, a car full of kids pulled up and stopped across the way. We stared at them; they started at us. Finally one of the girls in the back got spooked and they sped off, nervous laughter spilling out of the window. Hmmm...I guess we look pretty tough. TFTC.

Somewhere Metamorphic

By: catomcat Difficulty: 3.0 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

That's just wrong. I'm really glad I was with vaccine. We briefly contemplated delivering the cache back to the manufacturer via their front window, but then good sense prevailed. Thanks for the education.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

March 25, 2007

flower childs peace corp

By: child of the damned Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 3.5 Container: Regular

This is definitely a cache for a group...and we had a large one leading up to today's event. 50sumptin, bthomas and I were searching a series of suspicious spots upstream when the shouts of success came from hsjb. Although the stinging nettle was out in full force, thankfully there were no mosquitos! Thanks for the adventure.

The Bobcat Hole

By: Brandon Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 4.0 Container: Small

The neighbors were looking perplexed as our group descended on this cache, and it was simply no match for our collective force. 4* is probably too high. Thanks for the challenge.

Vista Point - Bermuda Triangle

By: vaccine Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Regular

Thanks for *ANOTHER* excuse to stop here and enjoy the view!

Peninsula UnEvent Event

By: vaccine & mjp303 Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 1.0

For awhile I couldn't decided whether or not to log this event. In the end it just didn't seem right that there was going to be no record of my involvement. Beautiful weather, a fun little stretch of group caching, and a chance to socialize: I had a really great time! Geocachers really are a great bunch of people. vaccine, thanks for all the good times!

March 24, 2007

Steinbeck #5--Rosie's Garden

By: Badwaterboy Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

A very nice garden! Thanks for showing me the spot.

Top of Old La Honda

By: bthomas Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

The last cache of a long and satisfying day. I was out with the cache owner, kindredlaugh and UncleTom, and of course they made me lead search for it, then promptly ignored me when I went off in the wrong direction. Back on course, it was a quick find. Whew! 2000 caches. A fun journey, and one that continues on!

The World's Largest Artichoke

By: Chickasaw Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.0 Container: Virtual

Thanks for pointing out this spot! I think we must have been acting a bit too much like tourists: a couple of locals, who were guiltily enjoying the famous treats, too, offered to take our picture. Thanks.

SCZ/DCP - Santa Cruz Degree Confluence Point
By: Iron Chef Difficulty: 1.0 Terrain: 2.0 Container: Regular

Out with bthomas, kindredlaugh, and UncleTom, this was a must do cache. Fortunately we didn't have to dodge any golf balls, but we did pick the wrong trail. I found bthomas' 3 year-old log in the logbook and then we signed many pages further back. TFTC.

The Fun Starts Here

By: Thefogheads Difficulty: 2.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Regular

Thanks for the very descriptive hint. Our GPSr's were not cooperating. Lovely spot, though. TFTC.

What A View!

By: molly1414 Difficulty: 1.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Regular

I agree: a fantastic view! Fortunately we didn't have to search 40' south where our GPSr's were pointing. [:O] The school of lost digitalfish are on their way back to the fishery! TFTC.

Big Green Water Tank

By: Team_Unicycle Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 2.5 Container: Small

On the road to this cache, UncleTom asked me if I wanted the hint for this cache. I stubbornly refused...and then proceeded to wander around while he patiently waited for us to find it. The roads around here sure are narrow!

Chews A Ridge

By: bikenxs Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 2.5 Container: Regular

It was a beautiful day for a cache excursion and plenty of good company to enjoy it with. SMILIE The new (to me!) XJ is now properly christened! (Thanks Nazgul for recording the event. [8D]) It would have been fun to continue on down the road, but I don't think they would have appreciated our herd at the Monastary too much. As it was, we probably looked like ants swarming around the cache and benchmark. I loved the views! Thanks for the cache!

March 23, 2007

Roy's Cache

By: Bob & Elliecat Difficulty: 2.5 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Micro

Second visit. I had to occupy my time somewhere else while a shopper cleared out, so I searched in the wrong places. This ended up ruining my confidence, so I called a lifeline who reaffirmed my first impressions. Coordinates are much better now; shouldn't the hint get a little updating, too? TFTC.

Amber's Cache

By: gregreyj Difficulty: 2.0 Terrain: 1.5 Container: Small

Heh! This cache was tricky with the tree cover and north facing slope. Thanks for the breadcrumbs!