Saturday, October 14, 2006

October 12, 2006

T in the Road: My jury duty got postponed until the afternoon so I suddenly had some time on my hands, and the baylands seemed like a great place to take a hike. After seeing about ten different types of ducks, I kinda lost count: this place is teeming with birds! What a great place to relax on a beautiful fall morning. TFTC!

East Pond: It seems you've got the the bases covered out here (...well at least first and third!) As Catomcat mentioned in his log, the white pelicans were still present: probably about a thousand of them, truely impressive. As I approached the cache, there was a group of ravens. Each one was perched on top of its own rock pile. They squawked at me, but didn't fly away, and I felt like I was in a Hitchcock film. Creepy. Thanks!

West Pond: I think I walked a bit further today than I thought I would, but I'm not complaining since there was so much to enjoy along the way to this cache. Standing quietly on the levee I could hear the ducks: not a quacking or a honking, but a kind of insect-like buzzing coming from thousands of tiny throats. Fascinating! I had hoped to grab the TA coin, but it wasn't there. In spite of that, I left a rowanf coin. TFTC!

The Functional Bridge: I was passing through on another errand and stopped to grab this cache. Thanks for showing me this interesting spot; hopefully the cache will survive the construction, if it ever happens! Those are 'horse apples' on that tree.

Look Out Below: It took a few minutes of sytematic searching, but I found it eventually. Fortunately, I had a few moments to myself! As soon as I put the cache back, the walkway got busy. Thanks for showing me this peaceful spot.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

September 30, 2006

Almost Eden: We were out for a father and sons cache adventure today. Our objective was any cache larger than a micro! John and Ted had forgotten where it was hidden so I let them find it. Thanks for taking over (and improving!) this cache.

Mad House: There was lots going on over on the soccer field, but we were able to find the cache undisturbed. Fun! John and Ted traded, and I swapped TBs. TFTC!

Cache Across America – California: I was out with the boys the morning hunting for larger caches, since they love to trade swag. This one was just the ticket! I was searching an area that I knew made no sense when Ted started shouting that he'd found it. He had...but needed my help to retrieve it, of course. Lots of trading and a bug swap took place. Thanks!

East Evelyn Oaks: The boys love to trade, and this cache was just big enough to keep them interested. Thanks! It appears big changes are just around the corner for this site...hopefully these magnificent trees will weather the transition.

Oreo Cache: Ted (6) found it. John (6) was quite amused with the container. TFTC!

Been Here: Pastoria: I spotted the cache as we drove up, and asked one of the boys to grab it. No need to switch off the car; we're off to the next adventure! TFTC.

Baylands Cache and Carry: I think I DNF'd this cache a long time ago in the dark. I had a couple of helpers today...which made all the diference! Thanks.

Mall Death: It was suprisingly busy for a spot that is in transition, but we slipped in a find. Thanks for a nice big cache!

GeoFusion: We had a little trouble, but made a quick find after checking the cache page. Hmmm, I think it's almost time for lunch. Thanks for reminding us!

Baylands Bike & Bridge: I felt the same as Changes in Latitudes, but then I checked from a different angle. Oh, duh. We enjoyed that little stroll under the freeway. TFTC!

Bridge to the Past: There's definitely something arising from the ashes here, as the demolition crew was hard at work on a Saturday. Even so, the bridge still seems audaciously optimistic. TFTC!

Look, but don't touch: The cache was almost an afterthought, since John, Ted, and I got seriously distracted catching these big green grasshoppers that were along the nearby trail. Cool!

To Breathe Lazily: You're right, it is a silly puzzle, but I ended up enjoying it. Thanks!

The Stinky One: 7:15pm Well, I got some unknown goo on my fingertips, but since I eventually found the cache, it's all good. I sure am glad I had a flashlight, though. TFTC!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

September 27, 2006

One equals Two: Yup, got it. I had to brush through over 4 months of spider webs and egg sacs though. Yuck! TFTC!

The Only Way to Succeed: When my nearest page got filled with '?' caches (...except for the 5 kayak ones , which I'm ignoring), I knew it was time to stop passing them by. I solved the simplified version, and enjoyed visiting the park where the cache is located. TFTC!

September 26, 2006

Poetry Corner: I looked at this puzzle again today, and something clicked in my brain. Having made that connection, it was a matter of doing the research, which took quite awhile, and the find, which was quick. Thanks for the nicely constructed puzzle!

September 23, 2006

Game Set Match: Thanks for putting together a fun puzzle! The sets weren't a problem, but making coordinates from them was a challenge, even after a hint from the cache owner. Eventually I got it, and finally made it to the area to pick up the cache. Fortunately it was pretty much deserted on a Saturday afternoon. This was find #1600 for me! Thanks.

Remnants of the Past: I was out today to finish some long unfinished business in El Corte de Madera OSP. What a great trail! The creek is just a trickle and everything is dry and dusty. TFTC.

Banana Slug Falls: It's too dry and dusty for Banana Slugs right now, I guess...I didn't see any on the whole trip. It was a nice spot to take a breather though. TFTC!

Tree with a "V": A couple of mountain bikers came by while I was signing the log. They didn't notice anything though, since their attention was focused on the tree that had recently fallen accross the trail about 100' down. TFTC!

DC-6 Resolution Crash Site: I found the cache pretty exposed, but threw a bunch of extra leaves on it when I was done. With that paint job, it doesn't really blend in too well at this time of year. Thanks for pointing out this spot. I was suprised there's no memorial plaque.

The Tafoni: The afternoon sun through the trees made really interesting shadows on the sculpted rocks. It was fun to visit here again since my first trip predated this cache. TFTC!

VOTE FOR PEDRO!!: I have to admit that I don't get the humor in that movie, but the cache I really liked! That's the last cache I had to find in Corte Madera; can I have some more please?