Saturday, August 05, 2006

August 4, 2006

Shopping by the water: So I drive up, and am greeted by the delicious smell of barbeque...where's that coming from? Looking around, there's a huge grill/smoker attached to the back of a pickup truck a few spaces over with smoke pouring out of the chimneys! Somebody's cooking right in the parking lot! Amazing! TFTC.

The Da Vinci Cache: This was a fun puzzle that I solved a while back, but only just had the chance to find the cache. Very nicely done! I had to wait out quite a few joggers and bicyclists, but enjoyed watching the egrets and sandpipers hunting in the marsh. TFTC!

'belly up": My desire to keep a clean slate finally overcame my aprehension of being caught. Hrumph!

Collete View Cache: For some reason I was looking for something a bit bigger, but PurplePeople's log focused my search. The guy at #18 knows something's up.

Beware of the Horsemen: As I arrived, pdx55 was puzzling over the poor coordinates. Fortunately, I didn't realize this cache was rated 1/1, and started searching agressively. After trying a few likely spots, I stumbled upon the nicely concealed cache. I'm not too sure what the hint means, but perhaps something about koala bears would be more appropriate? Nice to meet you, pdx55! TFTC.

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