Sunday, May 08, 2005

May 8, 2005

Under the Bridge: I decided to come back this evening after pondering the area and realizing that I'd jumped to a couple of conclusions. A more thorough search revealed the cache pretty quickly. It's a nice decoy set-up. Upon returning to log my find, I noticed that the name of the cache and the clue have changed, and that the hide has possibly moved (???...or is going to move???) so now I'm not sure it was in the same place as this morning. As I was signing the log, I heard the VDBs approach. I quickly rehid the cache and we talked for a few minutes, then they made the find. Nice to meet other cachers. Thanks.

Marina View: 10:30a Only minutes ahead of Rogue Ramblers (nice to meet you!), we started searching in earnest together. As luck would have it, I laid my hands on it first after a short search. Thanks for showing us a new stretch of the marina. The kids traded, and we took the geocoin. I left my sig item. Thanks!

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