Monday, April 04, 2005

March 27, 2005

A couple of St. George caches on Easter.

Dixie "D" lights: Visiting from California, but Grandma lives just below the 'D' . We enjoyed the hike along the ridge and all of the spectacular views. The kids traded, and I dropped off Tinkerbell's frog that wants to visit all 50 states. TFTC.

Temple Quarry: After having a great time on the 'D' cache, I decided to try this other closeby Montana Pinenut cache. Setting out at dusk, I had a very pleasant walk in the failing light. I think this area would have been a prime location to view recent flood damage, had I come earlier in the day. In any case, the coordinates were spot on. I found the container withough a flashlight and appreciated the parallels to The Shawshank Redemption, which is one of my favorite movies as well. The trail is an amazing testament to pioneer determination that I wasn't aware of. Thanks for bringing me here. TNLNSL.

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