Monday, February 07, 2005

February 7, 2005

Above the Stars: 3rd to find. 12:30p. Wow! another lung buster. Using the suggested shortcut and hiking up that service road with the loose gravel was pretty challenging. The view from the top on this exceptionally clear day was definitely worth it though. Thanks. TNLNSL (2TF got the TB.)

Not a Ridgeback: 2TF...Seconds behind NavySparks. Ah, yes, this is the kind of find I like: Someone else rummaging around in the folliage, and I show up to sign the log. I wonder if someone placed this cache back in 2001, told a friend who found it, but never got it approved on The log makes no sense with the location, too. Something about a phone? There's no payphone around that location. Mysteries that will never be solved, I suppose. TFTC.

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