Horse Chestnut Trail: We parked in the no parking zone, and made a quick dash up the hill. I decided to let the preteens take the GPSr, after all, what could happen in 150 feet? Well, next thing I know, they're off the trail, hand over hand up the hill! Fun!
Inspiration Point Hitching Post: We took the service road, it was plenty tough for our party. I'm afraid the cache site took a beating, at least 8 of the kids were in on the final search. After resting at the top on the benches, we made our way back to the ranger station. Unfortunately it had just closed. There was a lot of disappointment when everyone realized that a chance to see the king snake was gone. We did see a herd of turkeys come down the hill to drink at the stream. Quite appropriate for the day after Thanksgiving.
Rustic Lands Hollow: Very nicely done. There's another place nearby that fits the hint as well. After going over it with a fine-tooth comb, we widened our search a bit. None of the kids fell in the creek either!
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