Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Cache Log

New Life from Old: One small faded sign marked the trailhead where we came in. You'd think these folks would have the dough to maintain proper signage. Then again, maybe they don't want to encourage interlopers like me. In any case, we enjoyed ourselves immensely, petting a very friendly horse for a few minutes, and throwing rocks in the stream. Thanks for showing us this trail.

Banana Slug Highway: The patch antenna on my Garmin really let me down at this cache. Beyond that, I really should learn for sure what that plant in the clue looks like. I'll bet the cache was right under my nose, but I couldn't find it.

Shady Trail: As with the other nearby caches, another pleasant suprise. Once we found the unmarked trail, it transported us into a hidden world. After noticing all the traps, we were glad it wasn't bee season. Half way back to the car, I realized that my son still had the log in his hand. Oh well, we were on the trail that much longer!

Another Fog View: We parked next to the van that was missing the left rear wheel. Other than that, nothing else questionable in the lot. After finding the cache, signing the log, dropping off a TB, and trading, we stopped to appreciate the view. Today was only a 5 on the view meter's kinda hazy.

Woodside Store: The store was closed today. Too bad, we were looking forward to exploring it. We found the cache straight away, and signed the somewhat damp log. I was wishing I had ziplock bag to put it in; that hiding spot will become a puddle in the coming months.

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